Mar 02

Jupiter & Uranus: Your lucky break through and how to keep it going…


March roars in with a BIG roar !

Jupiter trines Uranus on March 3.

Venus joins Uranus and also trines Jupiter.

This is abundant love and optimism that you’ll want to share with the world.

But let’s back up a few days. On Feb 27, Jupiter will be exactly quincunx Pluto. This is a crisis of faith.

And let’s fast forward a week as Uranus squares Pluto for the 7th (and last) time.

How do we integrate such seemingly dissimilar yet simultaneous aspects?

Any contact between outer planets means big things are happening – worldwide.

All of these transiting aspects at once underscore the many events happening in our world right now. And maybe in your life as well.

While most people associate JUPITER with luck and opportunity, Jupiter is really a symbol of EXPANSION. Jupiter makes everything it touches BIGGER.

Let’s expand this.

Jupiter is in the part of Leo (2nd decanate) ruled by Jupiter. And Uranus is in the part of Aries (2nd decanate) ruled by Leo. This puts Jupiter and Uranus in a mutually beneficial relationship. They work well together, and the trines make that relationship effortless.

For what?!

Self-expansion. If it’s negative ego expansion, this can take you right into the Jupiter-Pluto quincunx, and the Uranus-Pluto square” (March 16)

Let’s not forget – Jupiter is Retrograde in Leo and will station DIRECT on April 8. This means there is a SECOND Jupiter-Uranus trine – on June 22 – conjunct Summer Solstice. Promises made now may not be REALized until the beginning of Summer (Winter in the Southern Hemisphere). This doesn’t mean to stop trying, promoting, marketing, broadcasting – but it also means you may have to patiently build momentum as you continue to expand yourSelf.

We’re not talking negative ego expansion. This is an OPPORTUNITY for positive self-image expansion, the kind of expansion that literally puts you in position to manifest the life you see in your future mind’s eye.

The reason we don’t manifest – or it’s temporary if we do – is that our manifestation has to be equal to our self-image. If it’s not, we lose the momentum. Often quickly. Or we don’t really try, we sabotage ourselves because we don’t really think we deserve it, are ready for it, can do what it takes, or even have what it takes.

So what’s your self-image and what is it based on?

Is your identity based on who you were as you grew up? Do you still get your self-identity from your family of origin, your friends from childhood? As an adult, you have the power to create your own identity, your own self-image – without the negative ego build-up of your past history. And this can limit your growth. And Jupiter-Uranus encourages growth – both personally and socially. (Uranus loves groups.)

With Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in the Leo decanate of Ares, self-love is the key to expanding your self-image. It’s self-love that can lift you above the cultural judgments of yourself that hold you back, prevent you from achieving and sharing all you are. Sure, who would want someone who looks like me, is too young, or too old, or too fat, too or not enough whatever. Fill in the blank. It’s not to feel superior, but to become who YOU are. Make your own choices. Find YOUR opportunities. Achieve YOUR SUCCESS.

Not growing, not expanding your self-image, can find your repeating old patterns. And here comes a big one as Uranus squares Pluto for the 7th (and final!) time on March 16.

Success can be permanent. But it doesn’t have to be. Success can suddenly shrink and collapse – again – if you are not letting your self-image grow.

You are not just what you are doing now. Believing you are will keep you in a limited pattern. Self-image is not about anything external – what you look like, how wealthy you are, how successful you appear to be – it’s about how YOU see your reality, as friendly or hostile, open or closed to love and healing. This is about self-discovery, growing your self-awareness, becoming aware of your divine self.

What do YOU choose to experience, contribute, learn, grow, discover?

Your self-image doesn’t have to stop growing!

What MORE can you accept about who you are?!

So, now that your self-image is pumped, what are you going to DO?


Jupiter-trine-Uranus is a golden opportunity to promote yourself, your creative projects, your social media, your groups and achievements. This is a media-blitz aspect. An opportunity to take your marketing and promotion to the next level – no matter what you do.

As you share your love, wisdom, and genius with your group – including all dimensional beings! – you feel more love, wisdom, and genius coming to you FROM your group.

Send your love out to your friends, your group, your crew. And keep expanding your light. And let the opportunities grow…

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As of March 3, 2015, artcharts daily Astrology Alignment has been on artcharts homepage every day for 18 years!

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May 13

Full Moon May 14: Love or Not Love

Full Moon on May 14
@ 3:16 PM EDT
Moon @ 23 Scorpio 54
Sun @ 23 Taurus 54

The Full Moon is in Scorpio –
The Moon & Saturn are conjunct in Scorpio – this is an opportunity to slow down & GO DEEP.

This Full Moon – Venus opposes Mars (in each other’s ruling signs) just at a time when the world Heart chakra is split apart. What can we do to reconnect and heal this split. We have a choice – live small or venture out. How can we bring more love&magic to our everyday lives, to others, even to those who oppose us? Continue reading