Today’s Astrology Currents


ArtCharts Daily Astrology

Astrology for today– blog, forecasts, & calendars, TRANSIT Search, astrology reports

 Happy Birthday  ♋️ Leo ♌️

The sky goes on….. Let’s watch it! 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~  JULY 2024  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

July 2 – Neptune stations Retrograde @ 6:40 AM EDT @ 29 Pisces

July 2 – Mercury enters Leo @ 8:49 AM EDT

July 5 – NEW MOON in Cancer (14Cancer23 PM EDT) @ 6:58 PM EDT

July 20 – Mars enters Gemini @ 4:42 PM EDT

July 22 – Sun enters Leo @ 3:44 AM EDT

~ ~ ~ ~ ~  JUNE 2024  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

June 3  – Mercury enters Gemini @ 3:36 AM EDT

June 9  – Mars enters Taurus @ 12:34 AM EDT

June 17  – Venus enters Cancer @ 2:20 AM EDT & Mercury enters Cancer @ 5:06 AM EDT

June 20 – Sun enters Cancer + SUMMER SOLSTICE  @ 4:51 PM EDT 

June 29  – Saturn stations Retrograde @ 3:06 PM EDT @ 19 Pisces 25

   *    *    *    *   *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *  

2022 – The USA is having  Pluto Return, and a Neptune-Neptune opposition.  February 2022. and again twice more in 2022. The last conjunction was December 27, 2022, so this aspect is still VERY active and in full effect until Pluto enters Aquarius 

 Happy Birthday  ♋️ Leo ♌️

Read all about your SUN @


Ceres is Retrograde (May 15 – August 26, 2024)

Pluto is Retrograde (May 2 – October 11, 2024)

Saturn is Retrograde (June 29 – November 15, 2024)

Neptune is Retrograde (July 2 – December 7 2024)

Chiron is Retrograde (July 26 – December 29 2024)

  • MAJOR JANUARY 6 2021 INFLUENCES – why things happened when they did



Jan 31

January 2021 Influences

January 6
LAST QUARTER MOON in Libra (Moon @ 16 Cancer 17 :: Sun @ 16 Capricorn 17) @ 4:37 AM EST
Mars enters Taurus @ 5:26 PM EST – Mars was in Aries over 6 months
Moon squares Pluto @ 6:23 PM EST

– January 13
NEW MOON in Capricorn (Moon @ 23 Capricorn 13 :: Sun @ 23 Capricorn 13) @ 12:01 AM EST
Mars squares Saturn @ 6:01 AM EST

– January 17
Jupiter squares Uranus

– January 20
Saturn semisquare Neptune @ 11:57 AM EST – (Jupiter is still semisquare Neptune ), making the fantasy real, breaking barriers, tearing it down, controlling the dream
Mars-squares Uranus @ 3:37 PM EST – ON the USA 7th house cusp (Scorpio rising chart)
FIRST QUARTER MOON in Taurus (Moon @ 1 Taurus 01 :: Sun @ 1 Aquarius 01) @ 4:02 PM EST

– January 30 – Mercury stations Retrograde

– January 30 – February 21 Mercury is Retrograde in Aquarius

February 3
Astrological Ground Hog’s Day @ 9:58:42 AM EST – this is the exact midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox – chart suggests 6 more weeks of winter (in the northeast US)

February 10
Mercury Rx squares Mars (due to Mercury Retrograde, this is the 2nd Mercury-Mars square – they occur on January 8, February 10, and March 23)

February 11
– LUNAR NEW YEAR of the Ox – NEW MOON in AQUARIUS (Moon @ 18 Aquarius 07 :: Sun @ 18 Aquarius 08) @ 2:06 PM EST
– and Venus conjuncts Jupiter @ 9:59 AM EST – lucky year?

February 17
The strongest planetary influence in February is
February 17
Saturn squares Uranus @ 2:08 PM EST
This aspect is in effect for a week on either side of exact. It will repeat on June 14 and December 24, 2021

Dec 05

November 2018: we voted

♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️
It’s SAGITTARIUS!!! [🌞Sun enters ♐️Sagittarius on November 22 @ 4:01 AM EST ]

Until December 2 (when Venus enters Scorpio) – 3 planets will be in their home or rulership signs : Venus in Libra – Jupiter in Sagittarius – Saturn in Capricorn
> Time to be yourself, play your strong suit, relate with all your heart. Grow, go farther, make BIG plans, yet be 100% responsible. Own it and enjoy it all <
Only caveat – exaggerating and thereby overestimating. Could make overeating on Thanksgiving even more appetizing. Remember, there is a Black Friday after Thanksgiving….!

Thursday, November 15 – Moon and Mars enter Pisces in a First Quarter Moon
Friday, November 16 – Venus stations Direct – Mercury stations Retrograde

Mercury stations Retrograde – November 16 – December 6
Retrograde station November 16 @ 13 Sagittarius 29
Direct station @ December 6 @ 27 Scorpio 16
Mercury Retrograde shadow starts on October 28
and continues until December 26

VOTE 2018!! This mid-term election really is a major turning point. On Tuesday, November 6, Election Day, Retrograde Uranus moves BACKWARDS into Aries. We’re not done fighting.
As we start to vote (7 AM EST in Washington DC), there are 2 Planets, the Midheaven, & the Lunar Nodes in the last degree of their signs (Moon @ 29 Libra; Jupiter @ 29 Scorpio, Midheaven @ 29 Leo), North Node @ 0 Leo (moving – backwards – into Cancer), and URANUS @ 0 Taurus, moving back into Aries (also the last degree of its sign). Either we, The People, are at the end of something, or we are willing to give it one more chance. Uranus is also in mutual reception with Uranus, so anything can happen. Surprise surprise. With a mutual reception, one planet unseats another. Let’s see… when was the last time there was a mutual reception in the Election chart? hmmm… Oh yeah. When George W Bush was elected in 2000, and in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected. And today. VOTE!!!

Ready for winter?! How about next YEAR? 2019 is coming up fast!
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