Moon Forecast
All the daily transits of the Moon to your chart. The most personalized daily horoscope available. More...
**First Quarter Moon phase** Moon squares Sun
The Moon is the First Quarter Moon when it separates from the Sun (after a New Moon) at an angle of 90 degrees (square). This square (which looks like a half moon in the sky) asks us to take care of the small things that grow into big uncomfortable things. If tensions come up, it's because you need to look at some part of a relationship or emotional structure in your daily life that just isn't working right and may need more thought. The First Quarter Moon is the first aspect since the New Moon that asks us to look at our newly devised plans from a distance that gives us a first glimpse of objectivity. This can create a sensitive issue or it can give you the resolve necessary to make improvements and keep going.
For a discussion on the
phases of the Moon, visit artcharts Learn Astrology.
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