Moon Forecast
All the daily transits of the Moon to your chart. The most personalized daily horoscope available. More...
Moon in Aries
Get ready to make your dreams more than fantasy. Aries is ruled by Mars the energizer, creating abundant energy to start new projects and elevate your excitement and enthusiasm levels. Experiment with new ideas and possibilities. The tempo is fast-paced; fly gracefully without bumping into too many people (walls?). Use this energy to positively assert your beautiful self.
The Astrological Moon The Moon rules desire as opposed to ego, need as opposed to expediency or reason. It describes how you feel about yourself, how you handle relationships, and how you emotionally respond to situations and experiences. It describes the flow of your daily functions; physical, emotional, and mental. The Moon represents your residence and domestic environment. It rules babies and young children, your mother and other important females in your life. The Moon is the astrological ruler of Cancer.
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