Advanced Forecast
This report describes future trends, especially psychological and environmental changes that you are likely to encounter-- even includes the 4 asteroids and Chiron. More...
in Taurus
[May 15, 2018 - November 6, 2018 and March 6, 2019 - July 7, 2025]
Uranus in Taurus: WOKE is the new cool
The mind-bending flash speed of Uranus in Aries is a rush. And then the rush gets old. The constant thrills become constant stress. And finally, Uranus enters Taurus. Now we can focus on the all the latest innovations, and figure out how they can help us invent new tools and enjoy more creature comforts. While Uranus travels through Taurus, we will discover new ways to be chill, new ways to be cool, new ways to own - while sharing.
We can expect to see changes in money, how it's kept, how it earns. Crytocurrencies, like Bitcoin, will become the new normal. Stuffing the economy back into nations may not be possible as we move towards new ways to connect and profit in the new age of global exchange and information.
Underlying it all, we are experiencing a revolution in our VALUES. Not just personally, but politically, as a society. Social media revolutions will continue to expose who we really are. As our values are exposed - will we learn anything? grow? or double-down and enFORCE our values, claiming victim status as we defame and insult. A tough defense can actually expose our deeper values.
Our values are being WOKE. WOKE is the new cool.
Uranus will be in Taurus for 8 years, giving us time to build new tools, invent new ways to unwind, experience new states of tranquility, reinvent politics, and intuit ways to create wealth and stability - for ALL (Uranus).
The stubbornly greedy can expect surprises...
Ok. That sounds ominous. And Uranus in Taurus can be a distressing change for the wealthy status quo. The entire nature of money will change over the next 8 years. The culture of sharing will intersect with money: how we earn it, how we keep it, how we use it. The entire concept of money and possessions gets a political review as Uranus cruises through the sign of ownership.
With Uranus in Aries, the idea is to get sparks flying. If you're bored, you'll want excitement, and if you're excited, you want might want to make changes happen NOW. Even if you change your mind later.
If you take the impulsive route, you can wind up in unchartered territory, far from the comfort zone of home. Now what? Who are you besides all your "stuff." Perhaps all your stuff was making it impossible for the real you to surface. This could be time for The Fool's adventure into the unknown....!
There are times when situations get stale and hard to change. Uranus in Aries creates a high enough energy voltage to make a breakthrough. The only thing NOT to expect is for everything to continue on, as is. But--- do you really have to smash everything to bits and start from nothing, or can you accept the challenge to use your high-grade energy to work harder, smarter, faster, and with more motivation.
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