New Moon in Libra
September 30, 2016
@ 8:12 PM EDT
The endless stream of things to do, the distractions that disturb the flow, make us tense, and turn harmony into clashes – are they real? Or are they smoke & mirrors we choose to believe, because we are so distracted…
New Moons are the beginnings of new cycles. They are times we can set new intentions for the month ahead.
The New Moon in Libra is the start of a new cycle of relationships – among equals. We think of Libra as the marriage sign, but Libra is also about relationships between business partners, teammates, and all intimate relationships. Our relationships can be cooperative or competitive, and perhaps secretly competitive since Libra’s ruler Venus is in Scorpio.
But Venus-in-Scorpio asks us to look more deeply at our close relationships – how important in your life – now? To take the initiative with relationships over the next month, here are some questions you might ask yourself. Are you willing to make a commitment to a relationship? Are you in a relationship so you can share or to fill a dependency need? This can be hard to admit, even privately to yourself. Yet that can be the first step in creating and enjoying more devoted, equal, and cooperative relationships, and avoid extremes of passion and indifference. Most of all, the Libra New Moon wants you to find pleasure in relating. How can you make all your relationships more enjoyable?
This New Moon is called a “Black Moon” because it is the 2nd New Moon in September.
But this New Moon is not really “black.” Or dark. It has another dimension.
The Moon & Sun in Libra are ruled by Venus. And at the New Moon, Venus is EXACTLY trine Neptune.
And that makes
Lyin’ easy. And easily believed – if you want to.
While Venus trine Neptune shows how easy it can be to lie to ourselves, to believe what we want to believe, and to be tricked, conned, and fooled by fantasy and illusion – it also gives us another option. To access our subconscious realm. And right now, we could really use some of that ability to deeply relax and access our inner selves and let our brain waves become more coherent.
We have been through A LOT. Mercury has spent months in analytical Virgo (since July 1), retrograde and overanalyzing details until our anxiety level was trumped to the highest pitch. We have been irritated and interrupted by endless details that continuously demand our immediate attention, along with terror and suggestions of terror that keep us in constant state of emergency mode. Living in a constant state of stress puts us on red alert – there seems to be one emergency after another. How can you look inward – or forward – when you are constantly looking over your shoulder? It puts in our brains in HIGH BETA wave state – where we are in fight or flight mode – at all times. And that level of nervous energy makes it impossible to access our subconscious states of relaxation, the place we access our peace and creativity. We can’t get in touch with our inner selves, and we become susceptible to whatever we hear, whoever’s ego is loudest, and we’ve heard plenty. Living in constant stress, we go into ‘survival’ mode. Our brain waves literally become scattered and incoherent. We never have enough time, as we run around without getting anything accomplished. This level of stress can impact our physical health, especially with an extended transit of Mercury in health-related Virgo.
Mercury is moving forward again, yet Mercury is still in the Retrograde shadow until October 6, and still in Virgo through October 7.
Mercury in Virgo is not just something to grit your teeth and “get through.” It is also an opportunity for your thoughts to become more organized – and the New Moon in Libra can help you do just that.
But this is a NEW MOON in Libra. The start of a NEW phase. With Moon & Sun in Libra and ruler Venus trine Neptune, this New Moon is the perfect opportunity to get back in harmony with our Selves. Our minds need to let go of stress that is causing us to be out of harmony so we can find inner peace and balance. And coherence.
This is the New Moon of spiritual realignment.
The Venus-Neptune trine is in WATER – Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This is not material, it is spiritual. This makes a sensitive trine even MORE sensitive & so perceptive it opens us to the psychic realm. It helps us release all the pent-up tension by opening us to being vulnerable, asking us to sacrifice instead of trying to acquire, to be caring and compassionate instead of competitive and judgmental. We usually equate vulnerability with victimhood, but this trine gives us the realization that our vulnerability can be a strength that lets us be more loving, to love and be loved. To give instead of worrying about how much we can get. Trust your intuition, it has a message that will serve you well over the next month.
The New Moon (intention) can align with your emotions (water trine from Venus to Neptune), opening the doorway to new beginnings.
To find our inner peace, Venus trine Neptune gives us a big clue – meditate. Get into the spiritual/creative zone. if you are not a meditator, you may enjoy art, music, movies that transports you to your subconscious. Fantasy is not as effective as finding your own inner creativity and can even add to your inability to access your subconscious. But the doorway is wide open to the creative portal – if you choose to enter you can start to create your new story.
And if you do choose to access your subconscious mind, all sorts of opportunities can present themselves – and most likely, they’ve already started to show up.
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