Jun 12

Full Moon on Friday the 13th

Full Moon on Friday, June 13, 2014
@ 12:12 AM EDT
Moon @ 22 Sagittarius 05
Sun @ 22 Gemini 05

The FULL MOON is in Sagittarius. This makes Jupiter the ruler of the FULL MOON.

Jupiter is in Cancer (ruled by the Moon, meaning Moon and Jupiter are in mutual reception, working well together). Jupiter is exactly semisextile the Sun and quincunx the Moon. To think, feel, & BE more positive, a few attitude adjustments can be helpful. Jupiter wants us to BENEFIT, succeed, excel. It is the planet of abundance and generosity.

So let’s talk about your prosperity… Continue reading

Dec 01

New Moon in Sagittarius: positively successful

New Moon in Sagittarius

The SUN & MOON are conjunct (together in the sky) @ 10 Sagittarius 59

Ruler Jupiter – currently in Cancer – is approaching a trine to Saturn – currently in Scorpio
Besides Venus stationing Retrograde on Solstice – this is the most important aspect of December 2013

This can only mean one thing… Continue reading

Nov 21

Welcome Sagittarius! SEEK – EXPAND – EXPRESS

Thursday, November 21, 2013
The Sun enters Sagittarius

As the Sun enters Sagittarius, it will square Neptune.
And – exactly as the Sun enters Sagittarius – the Moon will conjunct Jupiter – the ruler of Sagittarius. Now THAT’S exciting! Continue reading

Dec 11

December 13: New Moon: New Light

new moon
december 13, 2012

New Moon in Sagittarius
@ 21 Sagittarius 45
December 13, 2013
@ 3:41 AM EST

Moon is at Perigee (closest to the Earth)
December 12, 2012
@ 11:14 PM EST

A Flash of Light – Are we ready to OPEN our eyes? Or are we in for a rude awakening?

At high tide and in Sagittarius, it’s the last New Moon of 2012. Is this a portal to the next dimension of civilization – or just another New Moon? Yes! Continue reading

Nov 19

Sun enters Sagittarius – ON target or boiling over?

sun enters sagittarius

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21, 2012
@ 4:50:09 pm EST
Sun @ 0 Sagittarius 00

The Sun enters Sagittarius – the sign ruled by Jupiter, planet of optimism and opportunities. From the astrology chart at the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius, is our enthusiasm bubbling up, or boiling over?

It’s not what happens when the Sun enters Sag, as much as the time between then and the Lunar Eclipse-Full Moon on Wednesday, and that’s what this post is about…

Continue reading