May 27

New Moon in Gemini: spinning circles

New Moon in Gemini
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
@ 2:40 PM EDT
Sun & Moon at 7 Gemini 21

This is the New Moon in Gemini – a time you can spin your wheels.

As you spin your wheels, you create patterns – which can become crystal clear over the next month.

There are 2 astrological events happening at the New Moon. The only things they have in common is timing. Their patterns do not overlap. And that can give us perspective and healing…

    1- Sun and Moon are in the exact same place in the sky – or conjunct. Both Sun and Moon are square Neptune.

    2- There’s a beautiful Grand Trine with a Kite – a pattern that indicates a high level of success. And there’s a YOD.

Continue reading

Jul 28

Grand SEXTILE of July 29: the new normal

GRAND SEXTILE all day Monday, July 29, 2013

This is a rare and special alignment.

A GRAND SEXTILE is an opportunity – golden and perfect – to opt for peace and prosperity for all – or – we can just keep doing what we’ve been doing – hoarding power and profit. Are we generous and flowing – or are we convinced that the world is scary and FEAR is the only sane response? Is that the best we can do? Because this is a GOLDEN opportunity to ask and receive. This Grand Sextile can also help you get clear about what you truly desire.

Monday, July 29 from about 8 am EDT when the Moon is at 4 degrees Taurus until the Moon trines Pluto at 7:18 PM EDT, the MOON-in-TAURUS will add to the current trines and sextiles to create a GRAND SEXTILE. Continue reading

Jul 16

The Great GRAND Trine: Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune

July 17 there is an exact GRAND TRINE of Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune
July 19 – Mars joins Jupiter and adds its energy to the TRINE

Exact OUTERPLANET aspects always signify major events – historic moments.
This GRAND TRINE in WATER – is the perfect opening to a more spiritual, compassionate humanity.
It’s not active for long – and this week is the PEAK. Continue reading

Jun 30

Astro Trendy Transit Tracker > July 1 – 7, 2013

Tracking the astrology SIGNPOSTS for the week of July 1 – 7, 2013

This week Mercury is Retrograde and the SUN creates a T-SQUARE with the Uranus-Pluto square.

Mercury is Rx in Cancer – the perfect time to align harmonically by working on core issues. The subconscious is ready to share – if you listen you will hear.

Read Lauren’s Daily Astro Meme on artcharts homepage every day!

This week’s TRANSITING ASPECTS… Continue reading