Mercury stations Retrograde
December 19 2016 – January 8, 2017
More info on Mercury Retrograde page
Mercury is in Capricorn. Can we expect more of the same rhetoric to come? Any changes in major decisions?
The Moon is in Mercury-ruled Virgo on Monday, Dec 19, so the people want more details. And since the Moon will trine Mercury on Monday (just before 5PM), it is possible they will get them.
When Mercury makes this Retrograde station, it will be 1 degree from an exact conjunction with powerful Pluto. Dodged the bullet? It will be close, but it’s not likely we’ll dodge the bullet. However, at the end of January, Mercury and Pluto will conjunct exactly, just as Mars enters Aries – setting the stage for a super powerful aggressive punch. This is where words end and action takes over. For now, the conversations we need to be having and the intelligence we need to be uncovering is slipping further out of reach.
Since Mercury makes this station so close to Pluto, many who are feeling dread (Pluto), it can be relieved – at least for awhile – as Mercury moves backwards and away from Pluto and the feeling of dread can back off – for now. Yet we are also missing important information.
Mercury stations Retrograde in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, so this is about establishment. Conjunct Pluto – this is The Establishment and Intelligence, a symbol of those individuals and organizations with the highest level of power, influence, and information. Facts and intelligence don’t quite come together, and they’re likely to move further apart for now.
This Mercury Retrograde can give more time to re-invent the facts and transform them to fit an agenda.
Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, though usually feared, can be a deterrent to all-out aggression as it acts to test, temper and restrict, even in adventurous (Jupiter-ruled) Sagittarius. And since Saturn is making easy aspects to both Jupiter and Uranus, many in power are likely to take the moral high-ground. This can work to influence and craft large-scale agreements, even if that seems surprising (Uranus) to many.
Although Mercury makes this Retrograde station on the day the Electoral College meets, it’s unlikely there will be a change in the outcome. Mercury stops just ONE DEGREE before making an exact conjunction with Pluto. And slowly turns backwards (thru January 8). Although there will be some rethinking of the process – and some electors are likely to vote against Donald Trump. But it is unlikely (Pluto) that the popular vote will have an impact on the outcome of the election. Promoted as the man for the common man, it’s big money that counts.
With Mercury is conjunct Pluto – and bracketing this Retrograde station – investigations are likely. Mercury-Pluto suggests secrets, mysteries, intrigue. piercingly penetrating probes, detailed investigations, mind-control, domination, fearful transitions, and a strong focus on finances. Information can be used to focus and concentrate power. Yet, it is more than likely that the Retrograde will delay investigations.
This particular Retrograde also shows an opportunity to re-negotiate.
More investigations are likely, shown by the close conjunction of Mercury to Pluto, but some may back off – for now – only to come back stronger in early January. Confirmations are likely to happen easily, despite destabilizing worldwide effects. But that’s part of the shake-up people wanted. Yet, the station of Mercury right at this point of contact with Pluto, shows there can be a possible backlash against extreme actions (Pluto) taken by leaders (Capricorn).
Be careful who you trash now. The reverb can come back to haunt…
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