First Quarter Moon in Pisces: Calling Softly, Metaphor Minor
Big things are happening. BIG planets are making IMPORTANT aspects. They have an important message for us.
And their ALARMS won’t quit ringing thru 2017.
So what’s going on? And where are we headed? Here are some clues to help you get WOKE
Wednesday, December 7:
Moon @ 15 Pisces 41
Sun @ 15 Sagittarius 41
Friday, December 9:
Jupiter sextiles Saturn
Jupiter squares Pluto
December 10:
Saturn trines Uranus
December 13: Full Moon
December 19:
Mercury stations Retrograde
On December 7, for the First quarter Moon, I wrote on artcharts daily:
“As the Moon waxes, we are quickly moving towards a Jupiter-Uranus trine on Christmas Eve, with a preview this Friday as Sun-Jupiter sextile AND Sun-Saturn conjunct. This is a personal reminder of the need to stay positive and find constructive ways to work together – whatever your political position. You may benefit from some private time to organize and plan peaceful solutions to complicated social conflicts. The idea is to stay positive while seriously taking care of business.”
The ability to compromise, to find points of common understanding – or at least acknowledge where people you disagree with are coming from – is essential – right now. Because when the Moon becomes FULL and the Sun & Moon oppose, we may feel ever more separated, apart, and opposed by extremist positions. It may seem like we’re at a complete standstill. If we can’t give an inch, if we need to hang on tightly to extremist positions, if we just want to hate, not much is possible. Not only for the “other side,” but for everyone.
This is what’s happening in our solar system:
Jupiter sextiles Saturn, squares Pluto, and opposes Uranus
Saturn trines Uranus.
Despite the intense square of Jupiter-Pluto, there are reasons for hope, ways to be productive & constructive, instead of using power to manipulate and using the tough guy stance to intimidate and take what we want. Not to say many won’t do this. When we create more conflict, true possibilities are hidden. Yet, we may not be as far apart as it seems, and that can give us options, a path to success. Would we rather take by force OR create a better life for ourselves and our families? For our future and our children? For our communities? We have choices. Right now. We can start to looking at what we’re creating.
The sextile from Jupiter to Saturn, along with the year-long trine of Saturn-Uranus, signals a time of becoming WOKE. Our consciousness is expanding. New information is available to help us learn from the past, grow, advance, enter into the awareness of higher vibration – at faster speeds. As we release the negativity of greed, anger, hate, we are entering a phase when new truths can be revealed, truths we can build on for a more conscious and more secure future. The benefits are feeling more love, peace, joy, and grace. And as the old ways fade, we can continue to release whatever is unbearable and hellish and chose to surround ourselves with more positive vibrations. Tensions are released, life becomes pleasant, easier.
Yet, we cannot gloss over difficult situations and people with beliefs that are so different than our own that they threaten our way of life, and perhaps our very lives. When we get WOKE, we may have to speak up, speak out, take action, and join with others who are also willing to act. This is not about becoming violent but doing whatever you can to make your views known.
On the heels of the Full Moon comes Mercury Retrograde, just a degree from an exact conjunction with Pluto. We will continue to be tested. We will continue to hear doublespeak. And we will have more opportunities to rethink and reawaken. At the end of January, when Mercury returns to conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Mars enters Aries. Mars @ 0 Aries is THE MOST aggressive planet at the MOST AGGRESSIVE place in the zodiac. It is also a tremendous energy release.
We have a moment – now – to rethink things. We don’t have to accept that the deck is stacked against us and there’s nothing we can do about it. New ideas are available. We can build a new future on firm ground.
The US Sibley chart tells our story and the default that is possible for the next year. We are just separating from an exact square of the SA Directed Moon to natal Mercury, which will be followed by an exact square of the SA Directed Moon to natal Pluto (natal Mercury opposes natal Pluto in the US Sibley chart). The American people are feeling very emotional – touchy. They can perceive anything said – intentional or not – as offensive. So trying to blame the current political climate on one group or another misses the point and won’t help us understand what’s going on, or solve anything. The changes that have been coming to a focal point are SUBCONSCIOUS. People are not thinking ahead, they are reacting, showing how they feel inside, what’s been pent up and needs to be expressed. Because – this can’t go on as it’s been. Even if we say we “don’t want this,” when we hold the negativity, we pull ourselves closer to it every day.
Do We, the People, have the discipline to think clearly? To be more aware of our feelings and how we express them? Sure. Some of us will and already do. But many of us will spontaneously react to what we hear (Mercury) in ways that go against our best interests (the square to the SA Directed Moon). We reject what we need to hear, feelings matter more than facts. In fact, feelings ARE the new facts.
What can help most now is to take a moment (as Mercury prepares to Retrograde on December 19) and think – again – about what gets us so worked up, what causes us to be impulsive, reactive. And not hide from our feelings, but FEEL them (Moon) The Moon really does prefer the comfort zone, but if we take a moment to venture into our uncomfortable feelings, we may be able to find a bridge to cooperation. Even if it goes over some very choppy waters.
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**WOKE is NOT a mistake! WOKE is contemporary slang for becoming aware, awakened. It’s a “badge” says the NY Times.
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