Happy Summer Solstice!
Moon & Memories & More
Summer officially arrived on Friday June 21 @ 1:07 AM EDT.
The SUPER FULL MOON is 2 days later – and then –
Starting 3 days after Solstice – between June 23 and 26 – 3 major astrological events occur.
Mercury stations Retrograde, there’s a SUPER FULL MOON in Capricorn/Cancer, and Jupiter enters Cancer.
Important holographic information and chart included…
Sunday, June 23
Full Moon in Capricorn
Moon @ 2 Capricorn 09
Sun @ 2 Cancer 09
SUPER Full Moons occur when the Moon is closest to the Earth (perigee). THis is the closest perigee Full Moon of 2013. The Moon is BIG – and also more influential to all water on Earth. That means the water in our bodies, and our emotions.
Click for access to an “http://artcharts.com/astrology/legend.html”>astro legend
The Sun & Moon – opposing exactly at the FULL MOON – join the current Saturn-Neptune trine to create a GRAND TRINE with a KITE.
Grand Trines sound very spiritual, and they can be when fully realized, yet they represent a tendency to go around in the circles. They indicate habits that are so natural and organic, we don’t notice they are running our lives. Like programs, they run in the background and keep us going round and round. Water Grand Trines are especially susceptible to digging comfortable ruts.
NEPTUNE and SATURN both sextile the MOON
The MOON creates the KITE
There’s a trine from Saturn to Neptune, and both sextile the BIG Capricorn Full Moon, suggesting that we can manifest our dreams this summer.
The Moon can also bring to consciousness something has been veiled or hidden, since Neptune is part of the Grand Trine. As i was writing this, i received an email with the data for the NSA, created on November 2, 1952 in Fort Meade, MD. No exact time is known, so the chart will have to be rectified for an exact time. However, Saturn and Neptune were conjunct all day on November 2, 1952. And now, as the information the NSA collects becomes even more public (leaked, another water metaphor), we find there is an exact trine of Saturn-Neptune, literally letting the information flow.
The WATER GRAND TRINE can also portend a wet summer.
Mercury Rx in Cancer
It can seem that information you need is being repressed – kept from you intentionally with the potential that it can be used (secretly) against you. This belief can increase fear and lower the consciousness level of the planet.
Here is the information i’ve been receiving… As i continue to ask, it continues to be accessible. No reaction is necessary, all you need to do is be open to receiving holographic information from the collective unconscious.
WHy do we give up when we seem so close to our goals? Why do things seems to fizzle just when we’re getting some momentum? Because we’re hitting out comfy point, and sliding back into the familiar.
Cancer symbolizes subconscious, Moon, energy. Mercury Rx, information slipping away, not quite ready to assimilate.
Most of our thoughts are subconscious. According to Greg Braden (courtesy of HayHouse.com), 5% of our thoughts are conscious, leaving 95% to the subconscious.
Like the NSA and tech hackers, the conscious collects information and stores it. We don’t consciously remember, yet it’s there. Always, through lifetimes. This subconscious information can surface at any time. And Mercury Rx in Cancer has the potential to reawaken memories from the deep vaults of the subconscious. This can be disturbing, but also healing of deep inner emotions that have been holding you back from reaching important life goals.
You are already downloading the information you need – it’s just that you’re not consciously aware of it, so you can’t remember what you don’t already know. This is why we can have spontaneous moments where we seem to ‘remember’ something that we don’t remember ever occurring.
This material has been intentionally encoded with information from the skies and stars that will help you make your own connections. This will help you see your own patterns so big (like the MOON) that the GRAND TRINE will become helpful and not another reason to continue to stay in negative energy patterns like anger, judgment, hate. You may clearly see whatever has polarized your belief in yourself, and your reasons for not stepping up and sharing YOU. This realization will (slowly) help you to raise your vibrational level and connect with your higher self through the star guidance of astrology. It may seem that progress is very slow over the next few weeks. You can say, it’s summer, an acceptable excuse to stay in your old patterns. OR – you can realize that it is Mercury Rx in Cancer – a time to rethink and reprogram old habits and entrenched patterns by accessing new information – available starting with the Sun-Mercury inferior conjunction (July 9). This is a new alignment will take a few weeks to re-program as you re-program your inner self (Cancer).
instead of automatically discarding certain people and information, what if we could simply it all as a curiosity. Hmmmm. Instead of rushing to weigh in with a judgment, what if we could just remain neutral and observe.
Mercury Retrograde in Cancer June 26 – July 20. 2013
When Jupiter changes signs, there are adjustments to how wealth is created. Depending on the sign, Jupiter will bring abundance to the themes of the signs.
In CANCER, abundance can flow through the inner self. Family and homes, inner life and reflective retrospection. Cancer is social and private. Jupiter, the explorer, is exalted in CANCER – here Jupiter can explore the inner realms and the subconscious root connections.
Cancer is a water sign and rules silver and pearls. These are things that can gain value over the next year, along with homes and home furnishings. Families, education, and the public are favored. It has to have value for the public – if it’s going to create prosperity, abundance, and sincere happiness.
Jupiter in Cancer
Thanks for stopping by artcharts today.
This holographic information has been received and shared for your greatest benefit.
Share your blessings and prosper!
Thank you so much Lauren.
My initial thought after reading this is, you made me/helped me realize that sometimes I/we judge *ourselves*, even if we don’t consider ourselves to be “judgmental” of other people.
When we’re feeling inadequate or angry at ourselves, we’re essentially judging ourselves, which lowers our vibration. (I think I do this – lots of Pisces in my chart. I have so much to learn.)
I’m going to read what you wrote over again because there’s so much wisdom here. Thank you for sharing. I wish you peace, happiness, and prosperity.
In addition to a rare Venus-Vesta union in Cancer that is exactly rising in America’s capital of Washington, D.C and also exactly igniting the USA natal Mercury from our nation’s birth on July 4, 1776.
I receive information and write about energy movement. Venus is conjunct Vesta in the sky – and also VENUS, MERCURY, VESTA are conjunct the US Mercury @ 24 Cancer 28. Mercury makes its RX station @ 23 Cancer – conjunct the US Mercury. Look for lots of changes of mind and opinion about issues central to the heart of the people. the message is important and not received – yet.
note that the SUN is exactly conjunct the US Venus at the FULL MOON, meaning the Moon opposes US natal Venus.
thanks for sharing.
(venus-vesta conjunctions happen approx once a year, not always due to Rx in both planet’s orbits)