Important Dates for 2017
Your quick guide to the MOST important astrological events of 2017
– Eclipses – Retrogrades – Node and Sign changes – Major planetary aspects
February 11. February 26. August 7. August 21
HOT NOTES: THE path of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE of August 21 goes directly through the US, centering in the middle and heading southeast. It’s also a direct hit on Donald Trump’s Ascendant and Mars. This also links up with the 19-year Lunar Nodal cycle that was activated when Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 (in late Aquarius-Leo). This will continue to unfold as Mars conjuncts the North Node, which is also where the North Node of the Solar Eclipse (August 27). Hot!
** Get all the details, including exact dates & positions & Saros cycles on Artcharts 2017 Eclipse Calendar – now online!
After Mercury stationed Direct on January 8, all the planets were in Direct motion (except Vesta) until Feb 6 when Jupiter stations Retrograde
**Venus will Retrograde from March 4 – April 15 ** This also means Venus will stay in the same 2 signs (Pisces and Aries) from January 4 – June 7
Node change
The Nodes enters Aquarius-Leo on May 9.
Jupiter sign change
This happens once every year. Jupiter enters Scorpio October 10
Saturn sign change
Saturn enters Capricorn on December 20
Long-term Major Aspects
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jupiter-opposes-Uranus is strong all year (started Christmas Eve).
Saturn-trine-Uranus (Dec 24, 2016, May 19, Nov 11)
Since these aspects are such big game-changers, I’ve discussed this often and will continue to….
And of course Artcharts will be there to discuss all this and much more in greater depth as it unfolds…
FREE Calendar Special ~ your gift when you purchase ANY 1-year Astrology Forecast @ artcharts astrology shop. Wow!
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