April 2017 and the tangled web we weave.
As April begins, Saturn and Mercury station Retrograde. (Saturn on April 6, Mercury April 9 – May 3)
Venus stations Direct on April 15th.
Saturn’s Retrograde station keeps Saturn in Sagittarius for most of 2017 (Saturn enters Capricorn on December 20)
Saturn is Retrograde April 6 – August 25. Saturn’s Rx, especially in Sagittarius, can tell us about the long-run, while Mercury informs us about the short-run.
Since Saturn is a social planet, its Retrograde in Sagittarius can find society reviewing the ethics of the law. Do our laws serve us? Do they need to be restructured? Criteria used for making decisions that effect ALL people may need an overhaul. How can we ALL become more socially aware and responsible? Saturn wants us to be patient and explore slowly.
When Saturn stations Retrograde in Sagittarius, facts and beliefs become entangled. During the Rx, we can review our beliefs to sort out beliefs from facts. And that knowledge can empower us to move forward with purpose and structure that will work. What operating system of beliefs are you working with that can keeping you operating under the veil of limiting beliefs? Getting to a higher truth can boost your self-esteem and raise your self-worth and your financial worth.
When events happen, you can read meaning into them so you can interpret facts according to your beliefs. If your beliefs are not based in facts, if you have a hard time separating facts from fiction, you can labor under restrictions that hold you back… With more clarity, you can discredit limiting beliefs and select beliefs that will empower you.
Since we attract what we believe, changing our beliefs will change what we attract into our lives, including people, ideas, and events.
Since Saturn describes our culture, the Rx in Sagittarius also asks us to question our cultural beliefs, and shows us how much we are influenced by what the culture believes. Rx in Sag, we have opportunities to review and rethink the information we believe on a cultural level. in Sag, the enlarger, the difference between fact and fiction is blurred, as Sag wants to believe whatever fits in the pattern. But these beliefs may be fictional and not based on facts. And not being able to tell fact from fiction can work to our great disadvantage as a society.
(Note: As Saturn stations Direct on August 25, Mercury will be Retrograde again. Mercury’s next Rx station is August 12 – September 5, which also means Mercury will be Rx for the TOTAL Solar Eclipse of August 21)
During Saturn’s Rx in Sagittarius, ruler Jupiter will move from Libra to Scorpio (Oct 10). This means not only will we be searching for the truth, we will be DIGGING DEEP (Scorpio) to find it.
Mercury stations Retrograde April 9 – May 3. Mercury enters Taurus on March 31, stations Retrograde on April 9 in early Taurus, and moves back into Aries on April 20 (and re-enters Taurus on May 16).
When Retrograde, Mercury’s flighty, curious energy can become more patient. And especially so in slow-moving, stubborn Taurus. Facts and articles won’t be acceptable as information. In Taurus you have to be ‘on the ground’ getting your hands dirty, not just rushing around and making quick stops.
For now, Mercury moves away from the frantic shake-ups of Uranus. But it will return and re-connect with Uranus in late April (exact April 28). So even though progress into investigations and information can come to a crawl and even (seem to ) retreat, it’s not permanent. As Mercury and Uranus re-connect, minds re-open and unexpected facts just come together, as if by magic.
At the FULL MOON on April 11, the Sun & Moon will join the ongoing GRAND CARDINAL SQUARE (Pluto-Jupiter-Vesta-Uranus) that Mercury was part of in March (i wrote about this GRAND SQUARE on the Dailies and also in the Spring activation blog post). Note that Mercury will make its DIRECT station in early May while conjunct Uranus. This is a high-energy GRAND SQUARE. Don’t expect a lot of cooperation from leaders or anyone with abundant self-confidence. More than cooperation, the tactic to get things done can be intimidation. More about this at the Full Moon…
& Dailies every day on Create a miracle in your life ~ Transformative astrology readings with Lauren
Mercury stations Retrograde (in NYC):
Click here for an astrology legend to read the symbols.
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