The Full Moon is on February 14
Valentine’s Day
Moon opposes Sun
@ 6:53 PM EST
Moon @ 28 Leo 02
Sun @ 28 Aquarius 02
The “astrological polarity” is 27 Leo-Aquarius. The message of astrology may be especially insightful on this FULL MOON.
The chart for the Leo FULL MOON has some SERIOUS energy blocks. Since information is empowering, let’s take a look…
Full Moon in Leo
Sun-in-Aquarius opposes Moon-in-Leo
Moon in Leo is ruled by the Sun (Leo’s ruler is the Sun). The Sun is in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus and Saturn.
Both Saturn and Uranus are in the HOT seat – at the center of T-Squares. Their energy flow is blocked (squared). This puts them in challenging positions. It’s time to get to work – on loosening up!
Saturn – the old ruler of Aquarius – is square the Sun-Moon opposition (the Full Moon)
Uranus – the current ruler of Aquarius – is square Pluto and Jupiter. Uranus rules the Sun in Aquarius, and the Moon-in-Leo disposits to the Sun.
Saturn and Uranus are at the centers of T-Squares. The energy flow of Saturn and Uranus is blocked. We can’t go back, and we’re having trouble moving forward. Both Saturn and Uranus in the T-Square position want social control – they want their views to be shared and sustained by society. Is it “for our own good,” or for their power?
Let’s look at how this pressure to control works on a personal level…
What if you’ve been putting TOO much pressure on a certain day, object, person, situation, goal, or event to “come through” – and judging your progress, or lack, accordingly?
What if you could stop giving that day, object, person, situation, goal, or event so much weight or importance and see it as something you naturally enjoy, like a walk in the park, going out with a good friend, doing anything that you enjoy. What if you are putting too much fantasy or charge on something and making it way too important, making it require way too much effort, and blocking your ability to simply be present – to just be you, with ease.
Choose LOVE <3
Venus, the relationship planet, is traveling sextile Juno, the relationship Asteroid (the sextile is approaching, the exact sextile is March 9). This aspect can be romantic. You can feel growing love and appreciation for your partner now. Your greatest desire can be for a healthy relationship with mutual support between you and your partner. Yes, this can change the intimate dynamics of your relationship, and not all relationships will be faithful, as Juno's partner, Zeus, was never faithful to her. But you can be moving past passive dependency in relationships. This is an ongoing process since it is an evolutionary change.
Wishing you a very happy Valentine's Day radiating your love and the freedom to pursue your heart's desires.
Chart for Full Moon on February 14, 2014 (in NYC):
Click for an astrology legend
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