June 2018

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ June 2018 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Happy Full Moon, seriously
Uranus makes contact: more about Uranus-in-Taurus
Uranus in Taurus: WOKE is the new cool
SUMMER SOLSTICE June 21 2018 @ 6:07 AM EDT

SUMMER SOLSTICE June 21 2018 @ 6:07 AM EDT
June 26: Mars stations Retrograde Mars is Retrograde while conjunct the Lunar South Node. Re-using old songs from an old playbook can be quite appealing now, and seem like it could make you a pop superstar. Yet, regressing can make you less popular, exactly opposite where you’d like to be – in a rut instead of lapping up the limelight and reveling in the applause.

June 26: Mars stations Retrograde Mars is Retrograde while conjunct the Lunar South Node. Re-using old songs from an old playbook can be quite appealing now, and seem like it could make you a pop superstar. Yet, regressing can make you less popular, exactly opposite where you’d like to be – in a rut instead of lapping up the limelight and reveling in the applause.

June 22-24… Love-ly aspects (Venus, Jupiter, Neptune) from the Solstice become exact over these 3 days, opening you to more love, more abundance, and higher ideals. And all you have to do is dream – and you have a special pass to extraordinary visions at this time.

(June 19) Venus is conjunct the North Node. What a day – when having FUN gets you closer to everything you want. Or at least takes you face to face with something (someone?!) who turns on all your switches.

The Crescent Moon in Leo on Saturday, June 16. Your emotions may take centerstage and create enough drama to command attention – from everyone. Beyond thinking and categorizing, who and what is meaningful to you? Are you radiating love? Or demanding it (and not “getting” it). The Gemini New Moon’s aspects are coming into sharper focus, which will continue to intensify as Summer 2018 begins. More coming (soon!)

June 13 2018 – New Moon in GEMINI – Sun & Moon @ 22 Gemini 44. A portal is open. Important messages are ready to download. And you can access gifts of mind opening changes when you try a little tenderness. Communication flows, ideas stream, flashes of insights abound. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, has just entered Cancer (June 12), which means it sextiles Uranus (just into Taurus) and Cancer reminds us that while we’re feeling curious and communicative, we can get our ideas across faster and better if we share with kindness and consideration. Reminding ourselves to be friendly and compassionate (with ruler Mercury in Cancer and Sun&Moon square emotional Neptune) is a BIG PLUS.

So many RETROGRADES this summer! So… artcharts RETROGRADE calendar is back, through early 2020. Clarity!
And much more about Summer 2018 coming soon. What a solstice chart. We have to talk…

In June, Neptune makes a RETROGRADE station, so Jupiter’s June aspects will continue through August (and then not again until 2026!), making this an ideal (literally) time to expand your dreams. Or – drift into illusions.

Jupiter trine Neptune is a time of maximum confusion, filled with spinning yarns, growing illusions, endless mazes of mirrors and clouds. We can slip right into believing lies, from ourselves or from others. In a positive sense, perhaps we are searching for metaphors to understand current events and emotions. Illusions can seem more informative and intriguing than clarity as Jupiter trines Neptune and stories grow, and grow, and grow. And we slip backwards, winding up completely confused. If we can’t tell the difference between real and BS, and we let it go as unknowable, or boring, we can find ourselves lost in the fog. Endlessly. Jupiter is also Retrograde through July 10, so the yarns continue to spin for now.

MARS also stations RETROGRADE in June. Since this only happens once every year & a half, this is a big deal. Energy doesn’t flow forward. It gets stuck, goes backward, which is not what Mars intends. The nature of Mars is to move forward. But when it stations Retrograde, that energy can get subverted. And since Mars is in Aquarius, fighting for social issues can be sabotaged and backfire.

These aspects and Retrogrades of Jupiter, Neptune, and Mars would mostly effect legal and ethical issues, morality, world events, threats and hints of war and aggression. And of course dreams of success by living the vision of your highest Self.

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