Date: Monday, February 18
Time: 7:01 AM EST
The aspects that accompanied Pisces entrance into Pisces become more intensified at the Full Moon on Monday, Feb 25 – not to mention Mercury’s Retrograde station on Saturday. Which way did they go? You may think you know, but there’s a twist, or two…
Theme: Streamline to flow
Days of films, fashion, fantasy
What to wear: great shoes, fabulous fashion, misty colors
Goal: raising vibrations for inspiration
Caution: gullibility
Party downers: self-doubt and guilt
What to leave behind: false expectations, hurt feelings, doormats, pity
Mercury is stationing Retrograde in Pisces ~ Words can wash out with the tide. Yet the deeper meanings echo in our souls.
Trying to make a decision? We’re currently on shifting sands of doubt ~ it’s illusive to make firm decisions right now [Mercury is being edited in Pisces as it stations Retrograde at 19Pisces52 on Feb 23] This means flood warnings for emotional torrents of verbal barrages as we try to articulate the unspeakable. Perhaps the dream is followed by a re-awakening, a remembering of compassion and empathy and a flood of love.
Who is the higher spirit we sacrificing FOR? When we are asked to cut back, are we inspired to sacrifice? For who? It may not be what you believe, or what you’ve heard, or expected – and this can be intuited by those who listen to their intuition as Mercury stations Retrograde in Pisces.
With 5 planets in Pisces – a stellium – and Venus coming soon, the boundary lines between fact and fiction are extra blurry. Special effects also have emotional effects. Whatever makes the story more fantastic and intriguing is what you’ll see&hear. Is it real? Does it matter?
How to adjust? Replace pity with action. Make it work and make it profitable.
Jupiter is traveling with the Moon in Gemini – visible the sky at sunset as the Sun enters Pisces.
The square of the planets in Pisces to Jupiter – old ruler of Pisces – reminds us that not all dreams and expectations are achievable because not all dreams and expectations are based on what is really possible. Some adjustments can help to be genuinely more generous. If you keep the conversation going, you can continue to negotiate. That means not overindulging your own reach – and – not trivializing any group or individual you automatically discredit. Cut off? Or include?
Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolutions. – Kahil Gib
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