Happy 2014!
We are going to LIGHT UP 2014!
This year, the NEW MOON is ON New Year’s Day.
2014 is truly a year of NEW beginnings. What is possible when you have Capricorn’s determination and you don’t give up….
Sun & Moon @ 10 CAPRICORN 57
Pluto @ 11 CAPRICORN 16
Mercury @ 12 CAPRICORN 50
Mars @ 11 LIBRA 51 is square the NEW MOON
Uranus @ 8 ARIES 40 is square the NEW MOON
NEW MOON ruler is SATURN, making a very wide sextile to the NEW MOON and trine to Jupiter.
What does this say about the NEW YEAR to come?
The NEW MOON is the focal point of a CARDINAL T-SQUARE – meaning it is square Mars (in Libra) and square Uranus in Aries.
[The CARDINAL signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn]
Jupiter is currently in CANCER, approaching an opposition to the NEW MOON (Jupiter opposes Pluto exactly on Jan 31 as Venus stations Direct).
Since this is too much information, let’s look at the primary stars of the NEW MOON – the SUN and MOON in CAPRICORN.
The Sun and Moon together in CAPRICORN – along with Pluto and Mercury – have a strong, unified message – MANIFEST. And there is no better time than a NEW MOON on a NEW YEAR to get excited about making resolutions, We are excited by the relationships and situations we will manifest this year. This feels promising.
The SUN & MOON square Mars-Uranus and opposing JUPITER show that we CAN successfully manifest our goals. To manifest in REALITY, we need to welcome REALITY as a partner. Yet the energy of the Capricorn NEW MOON has a tendency to override reality’s feedback. Instead of a partnership, this aspect shows that greater aggression than cooperation can be used to meet personal goals and needs. This can become a problem because this is not how manifestation works.
The exciting energy of the New Year is just what you need to create and meet goals. But a lack of cooperative spirit can make manifestation more intimidation than pure intention. Underlying this intimidation is fear, and that can throw off manifestation into fantasy and fear-based reality, and manifestation won’t work. Instead of success, you can meet with set backs and bad breaks (represented by the strong T-square in the New Moon chart).
Manifestation is possible – if you can take responsibility for your choices and BUILD a supportive foundation. If you buy into the fear, you are likely to manifest fearful situations. Most of us buy into media-driven (Uranus) mass fear, mainly because it’s all around us – in the media, recommended by friends, colleagues and relatives – it’s what we see and hear. The usual strategy is to control as much as possible, yet control is an illusion that reinforces the vibration of fear. It’s going to take more than control to lose the fear.
For those of you on the cutting edge of NEW REALITY consciousness, you are leaders – ready to forge beyond the limitations of fear and negative judgment that prevent you from manifestating. You are ready because your goals and desires are authentically yours. They are not based on getting more so you can go on a spending spree, or feel safe, accepted, even envied. You can listen to your inner voice, feel your vibration, know what you DESIRE, and hear your true calling. You are ready to move beyond fear, judgment, blame, and negative emotions and KNOW what you desire. When you feel your feelings, you use your inner radar system – your ability to feel your energy flow and get blocked – and reach a higher frequency or vibration. More than what you say, you manifest what you vibrate. As you open to your higher knowing, you are ready to respond, as yourself.
As you move into greater consciousness on the spiritual path, you raise your vibrations, and increase your intuition. You cannot control everything that happens, no one can be that hyper aware of every last thing happening around them – and trying to do that keeps you locked in fear anyway. If you focus on the fear, on your negative ego, reality becomes a big scary monster that can hit from anywhere at any time and create a barrier to getting what you want. Especially if you slip up in the slightest. And “deserve” to fail. These thoughts don’t help you raise your vibrations. Even being spiritual doesn’t automatically save you – you can still be led by your inner critic and by ideals of being perfect. Yet you realize that, judging yourself – or anyone – for not being perfect is yet another (self-imposed) barrier to moving forward, to feeling your empowerment and letting the magic flow.
Right now, at the New Year New Moon, there is a future view – go and meet the future YOU. What does she/he look like? They/you have learned something during 2014, and just may have more of everything you desire. That’s YOU. Hold it in your 6th chakra and become it more and more each day of the year.
This year, being responsible for your own spiritual growth is empowering. There is great power being unleashed. This is your energy, your power. If you don’t get defensive and resist the flow, you can let energy move through you and use its strength to empower (Pluto) you and manifest your goals (Capricorn).
Make your vibrations beautiful and send them out into the world…. And then see what you manifest. Here’s to an awesome New Year.
Happy New Year everyone!
Chart for the New Moon on 1/1/2014 (in NYC):
CClick for an astrology legend
Happy new year Lauren !!
Carolyn 🙂
Happy New Year from another Carolyn, who remembers your posts from 3-4 years ago when a dear friend used to forward them to me! Glad to be back! Low on funds right now, but maybe I can pursue more with y our site later! Love, Light, Clear Vision & Empowerment in 2014
Happy New Year! Here’s to all us getting in our flow and allowing ourselves to receive what we truly, purely desire. We CAN turn this around and make 2014 a spiritually uplifting year. with Love, Lauren
Happy New Year! Hard to believe it’s already a few days in… Despite the snow & cold, our energy is gonna light it up! xoLauren