Astro Trendy Transit Tracker > April 1 – 7, 2013


Tracking important transiting aspects for the week of April 1 – 7, 2013
by Lauren Edmond

Tuesday, April 2 :
No matter what you look like – you can be super sexy today.

Moon enters Capricorn @ 1:36 AM EDT

More TODAY and the rest of this week’s TRANSITING ASPECTS…

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Monday, April 1 :

As the Sun and Venus sextile Jupiter – wonderful expansive opportunities are possible – connections can grow and blossom – love is exciting and unpredictable. But it’s not a sure thing. The Sun-Jupiter sextile – giving us a personal positivity and optimism – squares PLUTO – joins the YOD to SATURN – and becomes part of the DOULE YOD, still in effect for another week – until Jupiter starts to move out of orb – but this will activate again as the planets move through Gemini. (more about the current double YOD in the FULL MOON and EQUINOX posts)

Is it possible to purge optimism and vision? Can you turn a potential positive into a power play that fuels resentment? And if you could, what would you feel, more in control, more important. It could also mean being embroiled in struggles, both personal and interpersonal, and financial. We can send negativity and create lasting resentments – or we can appreciate and encourage future partnerships.

While the Sun sextiles Jupiter, creating the space for BIG personal growth opportunities. If you’re connecting, it may involve a partner and money. And some lucky breaks.
(Jupiter is currently at 12 Gemini , Sun & Venus at 12-13 Aries, Pluto @ 11’33” Capricorn)

Sun sextiles Jupiter

Tuesday, April 2 :
No matter what you look like – you can be super sexy today. Your self-confident style is what’s attractive. When it comes to love or money, you can be fearless – try something, be daring, express feeling you may have held back another day. And even if you are rejected, something better can just happen to come your way because you dared to share.

The Sun and Venus are still conjunct. Sun-Venus conjunctions are part of a large pattern, mapped by many ancient civilizations, including the Mayans.
If you’d like to learn more about this geometric pattern, i suggest this page: on i’m enjoying it and thought you might too.

Moon enters Capricorn @ 1:36 AM EDT

Wednesday, April 3 :

Last Quarter MOON in Capricorn [13CAP36] @ 12:36 AM EDT

The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn is square the SUN in Aries.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto – and they are square Sun-Venus-Mars in Aries. Also Uranus. Conflicts between doing what you LOVE and taking care of business can be at a standstill as both sides are equally compelling.

The Moon with Pluto can intensify any power struggles based on judgment vs ego. It’s not an indictment, it’s something to look at since we all do it in some ways. You really do have a choice – being more conscious of who and what you respect, including having respect for your own process – can help to release depressed energy held in check by negative judgments. Do we want to feel good – or find fault, judge, and reject – our Selves and others. As the Sun conjuncts Venus AND Mars in Aries – it’s time to break out of the negative and fun with friends. Let the sun shine in. Unless – hanging on to our judgments is just too compelling and we REJECT the gifts of our friends and lovers, our very desires which is the life force. What you offhandedly reject now can be missing something very wonderful and helpful.

This Week: As Venus leaves the Sun, she approaches Mars (exact on Sunday). Mars is in Aries – its rulership sign – where it is strongest – most confident – enthusiastic and ready to DO things. We are sure. Yet Venus is approaching and Venus is cooperative energy. If we really do know it all – all by ourselves – and anyone telling us anything is insulting and rude – what are we going to DO with all that we know? Are we doing it? If not, why aren’t we DOING it? Could it be that we really can NOT do it all alone? That we live in an INTERCONNECTED society and the connecting link is LOVE. A good thing to remember as Venus and Mars conjunct in Aries this week.

If we really cannot/will not take teaching from anyone, at least at this time we can open to our own INNER guidance – now available to flow into our conscious awareness. But you knew that. Right?!

Next week: New Moon in Aries, and then come the Eclipses, April 25 and May 9/10, May 25. Google on….

Thursday, April 4 :

Moon enters Aquarius @ 4:41 AM EDT
Chiron sextiles Pluto
Ceres enters Cancer

Friday, April 5 :
It’s the perfect day to – have a GREAT day today!

Saturday, April 6 :
Mars semisquares Neptune
Moon enters Pisces @ 6:59 AM EDT
Balsamic Moon phase begins @ 12:36 PM EDT
Venus semisquares Neptune

Artcharts Trendy Transit daily is taking a break…
Here are this week’s aspects – click for interps
Thanks for stopping by today:-)

Sunday, April 7 :
Venus conjuncts Mars

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