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The Asteroid Report
The Asteroids in your chart teach you about your capacity to nurture, marry, solve problems, express your sexuality, and heal. The Asteroid Report interprets the 4 asteroids and Chiron, shedding light on these areas of essential life experience. More...

Vesta Retrograde
This is the time to get back to your center. It's time focus inward to find ways to amuse yourself by yourself, to playfully find your creative epicenter. Tend to your altar -- whatever form it takes (TV's and computer screens can qualify); build and strengthen your inner firewall; get centered.

Astrological Vesta
In Greek mythology, Vesta was the goddess of the hearth. Astrologically, Vesta symbolizes the family and the home; that to which we are devoted and commited; Vesta is our focus, our inner center, where we feel safe. In the Greek era, Vesta celebrated sexuality as a divine channeling of lunar energy. Since Roman times, the Vestal virgins have been associated with sexual purity and so Vesta has also become associated with alienation, inhibitions and sexual awkwardness. Vesta is the transmutation of sexual energy into focused creative ability.

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