Lunar Return Report
The Lunar Return Report works in its own right and in relation to the natal chart. While the Solar Return encapsulates your inner position in relation to the world for the next year, the Lunar Return deals with the reflective, reactive part of your nature. More...
Moon square Saturn When we feel dark and unloved, we can feel so blue and alone we don't even notice the good people and feelings trying to get in. We can't even hear people trying to tell us good things. Inner negativity can be the loudest and only voice we hear, creating tensions and possible misunderstandings with others. Be patient -- this mood will pass like the weather. Reflection brings growth.
The Astrological Moon The Moon rules desire as opposed to ego, need as opposed to expediency or reason. It describes how you feel about yourself, how you handle relationships, and how you emotionally respond to situations and experiences. It describes the flow of your daily functions; physical, emotional, and mental. The Moon represents your residence and domestic environment. It rules babies and young children, your mother and other important females in your life. The Moon is the astrological ruler of Cancer.
Astrological Saturn
Saturn rules responsibilities, restrictions and limitations you are apt to encounter, and the lessons you must learn in life. It does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality, and good fortune but it does demand that these things be given structure and meaning. Saturn is the astrological ruler of Capricorn and the ancient ruler of Aquarius.
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