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The Asteroid Report
The Asteroids in your chart teach you about your capacity to nurture, marry, solve problems, express your sexuality, and heal. The Asteroid Report interprets the 4 asteroids and Chiron, shedding light on these areas of essential life experience. More...

Ceres in Virgo
If you thought you were busy before, get ready for another increase in your workload. If you want to get more done in a day, find ways to streamline your schedule for efficiency; becoming a perfectionist, however, can slow your progress and stifle your enthusiasm. If you stay focused on the task at hand, you're likely to make less mistakes and get more accomplished. There IS time for exercise and maintaining a strict health regimen, if you're well-organized and prioritized.

Astrological Ceres
Ceres, the largest asteroid, is the Great Mother asteroid, and embodies the motherly qualities of nurturing, caring, and fertility. Mythological Ceres was grief stricken by the abduction of her daughter Persephone by Hades, god of the underworld. Ceres teaches the joy of unconditional love and the pain and grief of dependency. Ceres can end heavy dependencies in order to create more sharing and varied interactions. Letting go of stranglehold grips on people and possessions can ironically bring greater gains. Astrological Ceres represents how we love and how we need to be loved. ...more

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