The Asteroid Report
The Asteroids in your chart teach you about your capacity to nurture, marry, solve problems, express your sexuality, and heal. The Asteroid Report interprets the 4 asteroids and Chiron, shedding light on these areas of essential life experience. More...
Pallas Athene square Pluto
The bonds of emotional relationships can feel more like obsessive chains, when more detached, intellectual planning and relating may feel more comfortable. Conversely, an attitude or plan that's too casual may feel ungrounding and not very realistic. Instead of going to extremes, realize that all needs, both heavy and light, are part of the experience.
Astrological Pallas
In Greek mythology, Pallas Athene represents the feminine wisdom principle. Astrologically, she represents the body-mind connection, inspired insight, flashes of illumination and genius along with the ability to manifest concrete reality and brilliantly creative works of art. Pallas Athene is the ability to plan a strategy and carry it out, to invent and utilize new systems and concepts; to become a professional in your field. Pallas Athene is a symbol of the equality of women in the world, as Athene was the first goddess treated as an equal to the men and not perceived as an object of sexual desire. Women who interact in the world of business finance law science and medicine have had to sacrifice a part of their femininity to achieve acceptance in a male-oriented society, and so Pallas at her best represents the ability to balance the male and female parts of ourselves in order to interact effectively. At her worst, Pallas is the woman who sacrifices her femininity for acceptance in the male world. She identifies with men more than women and so loses a part of herself, her ability to be feminine.
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