TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE + SPRING EQUINOX: out of the shadows and into the light

“And in the darkness there must come out to light.” Bob Marley – “Could you be loved”

March 20, 2015 is a triple-header astrology day

The New Moon is a SUPER Moon – and a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE
A SUPER Moon occurs when the Moon is at its closest orbital point to the Earth (perigee).
At sunrise (EDT), just as the SUPER NEW MOON is exact, it forms a TOTAL Solar Eclipse
At sunset (EDT) it’s SPRING EQUINOX as the SUN enters ARIES – FALL EQUINOX in the Southern Hemisphere

This means the Eclipse comes at the very end of Pisces (29 Pisces 27), just like the last NEW MOON in Aquarius (which was 9 minutes before the Sun moved from Aquarius into Pisces – this New Moon is 11 hours BEFORE Equinox). The late Aquarius New Moon gave us an extended winter season, which is still going on in the northeast. Snow is predicted for EQUINOX! This ECLIPSE portends another seasonal extension.

The SOLAR ECLIPSE, coming hours before EQUINOX, indicates this is a POWERFUL Eclipse, a time to make an important CHOICE – are you ready to step into the future – or are you going to retreat into the past?

This choice is presented to us because the New Moon/Eclipse is in the LAST DEGREE of Pisces. And EQUINOX is quickly approaching – SPRING! – the time everything is pushing UPWARD, toward the increasing light, new beginnings. You can experience a rebirth of energy and step into your future – or – you can stay where it ‘seems’ to be safe and familiar. And let the past patterns continue to repeat.

How do we move out of the past and into the future?

There is only the NOW. Yet, we carry images and feelings from the past. And if we don’t envision a NEW future, one that is brighter and in harmony with your Self, we continuously slip back into old patterns. They are familiar and comfortable. But the past (especially the negative past) doesn’t make your NOW or your future any better. What we carry from the past is a choice. We create our story by our selective memory. If we choose to carry on our challenges, we will do that. Yet, if we hold a higher resonance that is no longer compatible with our past, life WILL change. You will heal emotionally, financially, any way you desire.

One healing doesn’t pull you forever out of all past negativity. Stuff will continue to show up. Getting cranky, resentful, or taking things personally will keep you stuck in the past – stuck to your inner child who needs everything done FOR them, or your inner teen that feels everything should be perfect and you shouldn’t have to work so hard. This is the time to choose to GROW, like the coming Spring.

How do you stay in the past? By buying into the fear. There are plenty of fear mongers. I’ve seen articles about this TRIPLE mega event as the end of the world. Maybe it is for them. But YOU have a choice.

Sure, be aware of the pull to fall back into lower resonance. And know – even if ‘everyone’ is doing it, you don’t have to join them! Even if everyone seems to be pulling down your resonance. Even if they think you’re quite mad. Release your addiction to drama. How you use your energy is your choice. Change your story – pull them UP.

The past does NOT have to be your future – if you are kind and loving to yourself (this is Aries!).

It’s SPRING! Let the light in.

If you want to discover how you can move into YOUR grander future – I offer personal readings. I’d love to assist you on your journey to self-discovery and expanded consciousness. Raising your vibration will help to heal and uplift your NOW and your future. It’s a process, and understanding the positive potentials of your Transits and Progressions will give you a big boost. Get a personal reading and let’s continue this process.

Help fund artcharts so we can continue to grow and expand what we love. Thank you!

Chart for the NEW MOON/TOTAL Solar Eclipse:
Click here for an astrology legend

Chart for Spring Equinox/Sun enters Aries:
Click here for an astrology legend

2 thoughts on “TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE + SPRING EQUINOX: out of the shadows and into the light

  1. Wow Lauren what a great post of an amazing day. I really relate to the “release your addiction to drama” line of your post. Latest realizations in my life: Ask and you will receive or you will not. Either way don’t lead into the request with a pretentious approach that opens the door to drama if you don’t get your way. One of the wisest most courageous comments I’ve heard in my life is, “if you say yes that is great and if you say no that is great too.” It has taken a long time for that to sink in and it is still settling.

    • Thanks Christian! We’re not always ready to receive. To receive, we have to be fully aligned with what we want, the will and intention need to be in agreement. we need to believe that it’s ok to have what we ask for, that we deserve it, no matter what we ‘did,’ the drama. this is not a process we can complete in one shot. it’s an ongoing process. we continue to get snagged. but – we get faster at recognizing when we slip and faster at getting ourselves back up. we start to recognize our patterns. combining meditation with your imagination, you can release old, repetitive patterns and step into your true divine self. it’s a process of raising your self-image and holding it. <3

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