Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo from August 30 – September 22.
Mercury Retrograde. Ug. And this one is in Virgo, one of Mercury’s 2 ruling signs, making Mercury’s effects STRONGER, and experienced in greater detail (Virgo).
This Mercury Retrograde is on STEROIDS!!!
Mercury makes this Retrograde station in the very last degree of Virgo. 29 degrees Virgo pushes the potential for errors to the limit. Add to this – Mercury stations while conjunct Jupiter, the expander, and everything is exaggerated. Will mistakes and misjudgments ever stop happening?
Communication is off the charts. Both BIG things and minutia can INUNDATE your brain. There are endless things to say and share. Yet another detail, yet another viewpoint. Yet, errors in judgment are likely. Anyone can say anything, even the wrong thing at the wrong time.
While Mercury is Retrograde, it will make several aspects – 3 times. Patterns repeat until we recognize – there is a pattern.
Mercury will quincunx Uranus – we may not see the surprises coming as they broadside us. And many are likely to believe false reports as fact since we believe what we choose to believe. So many ideas and things are being shared, opinions can be shattered with a word, without any attachments to the effects. Changes can happen on a large scale – without even knowing it. Mercury and Uranus quincunx again after Mercury stations Direct, on October 2.
And Mercury squares Mars (in Sagittarius) so tempers can flare, angry words can be spoken. (ha!) This is usually a quick transit, but this is the second time (first was July 29) and it will happen again once Mercury is Direct (Oct 13) in Libra and Mars is in Capricorn (conjunct Pluto). Adding fuel to the fire, Mars is “out-of-bounds” by declination through the end of October, which turns Mars’ hot energy into an unpredictable wild card. Get ready for some HOT debates and plenty of inflaming insults. We’ll have to fight for our future.
When Mars and Saturn were conjunct in Sagittarius just before Mercury’s Retrograde (late August), Mars-Saturn was square Neptune and the Nodes, forming a T-Square to Mars&Saturn. Mercury will almost back up to square Saturn again, but miss by a few degrees (whew!). For more on this check out the Solar Eclipse post on this blog.
Mercury makes its Direct station while trine Pluto (the day before and the day after!) – while Pluto is also stationing Direct. We have the power to turn it around and move full speed ahead with deeply influential statements and communications. Subterfuge, spying, stealing information is all more than likely. And while it can be secret and hidden, the trine shows it can also be revealed. Even the most gullible among us may be able to see through manipulation, even with the most deceptive of intentions. Vision is x-ray. There’s no place to hide.

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