Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse
November 28, 2012 @ 9:46 am EST
Moon @ 6 Gemini 46
Sun @ 6 Sagittarius 46
The Lunar Eclipse energy opens an energy portal. With the awareness this Eclipse makes available, we can convert our energy from blindsided to breakthrough to balance. Continue reading
Tag Archives: astrology
Giving Thanks @ ThanksGiving
Happy ThanksGiving
Today we remember that the abundance of Sagittarius comes from Gratitude
Give Thanks for what you have, at least for today
Ascend to Gratitude
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beattie
We come together and give thanks! It is all together that our vibrations rise and grow. It is the combination of all our energies that creates the vibration that motivates us and gives our lives meaning. By being present, we all make a contribution that is invaluable. It’s YOU who give it more and make it special.
Enjoy a feast….
It is the spirit of generosity that creates abundance. For all of us.
breathe in LOVE – breathe out GRATITUDE
Have a Joy-us holiday;-)
Sun enters Sagittarius – ON target or boiling over?
The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21, 2012
@ 4:50:09 pm EST
Sun @ 0 Sagittarius 00
The Sun enters Sagittarius – the sign ruled by Jupiter, planet of optimism and opportunities. From the astrology chart at the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius, is our enthusiasm bubbling up, or boiling over?
It’s not what happens when the Sun enters Sag, as much as the time between then and the Lunar Eclipse-Full Moon on Wednesday, and that’s what this post is about…
First Quarter Moon – between Eclipses
First Quarter Moon
@ 28 Aquarius 40
on November 20, 2012
@ 9:32 am EST
This First Quarter Moon comes between the Eclipses. It is our guidance to greater awareness as the Moon waxes towards FULL – from the Solar to Lunar Eclipse. The information contained in the First Quarter Moon chart shows us what we need to focus on – right now – as we approach the more obvious power of the Full Moon.
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Saturn quincunx Uranus – you need YOU
Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct (quincunx) forming an approaching inconjunct (they opposed when Saturn was in Libra). Any aspect between outer planets is significant – as they light our path to greater consciousness on a mass scale – in this case our blindspots. This quincunx lasts for ONE-YEAR. November 15 is the first of 3 passes. The last pass is October 4, 2013.
The first thing to notice about this inconjunct (or quincunx – 150 degrees apart) is both planets are in Mars-ruled signs – Uranus in Aries. Saturn in Scorpio. Are we going to use this hot-headed energy aggressively and unexpectedly – Uranus in Aries. Or shrewdly and carefully – Saturn in Scorpio.