Sun enters Scorpio: dive in & have a Grand Trine!

sun enters scorpio 2012

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22, 2012
@ 8:14 PM EDT
Final Presidential Debate & First Quarter Moon
@ 9:00 PM EDT

The Sun enters Scorpio less than an hour before the 3rd and final Presidential Debate begins.

Aside from politics, if that’s possible right now, the Sun’s yearly descent into Scorpio is especially interesting this year.




The Sun joins Saturn in early Scorpio and trines Neptune. What dreams are YOU ready to manifest? And who’s going to help you, because this works best with others. And that’s the problem – getting past the fears and control issues that come up when you think about sharing openly and honestly.

At the ingress of Scorpio, the Sun is only 2 degrees from an exact conjunction with Saturn (Oct 25). Saturn colors the Sun’s descent into the underworld of Scorpio – darker. Saturn is in mutual reception with Scorpio’s ruler Pluto, making this a deep plunge into the shadow world. What is going on below the surface? This is intense, and quite serious as shadow selves are revealed. We are not looking for easy answers or false ‘shadow laughs’ to cover up serious challenges with confident facades. We are willing to dive in and stay submerged until we get to the bottom of things. We want to do the research it takes to find solutions – and that means looking beyond surface appearances.

The Sun is also trine Neptune. This is a hint. To manifest in real time with Saturn, we need to open our imaginations. The trine to Neptune shows us that to be real, we need to be inspired. There’s no fakin’ it.

Yet, the long-term trine is to Saturn, the reality teacher. Saturn in mutual reception with Pluto – and sextile PLuto – gives Saturn additional power to teach. Beliefs can be tempered, and ultimately made stronger, with reality and diplomacy.

Ceres has just entered Cancer, creating a Grand WATER Trine with Saturn-Neptune. While this sounds mystical, it is also a rut we can dig with our emotions. So while we want REAL answers, we are influenced by our beliefs and the images we see and distorted facts we hear. If we see or hear something often enough and everyone else seems to believe it – is it true? Or true enough? Or true because we want it to be true? What if it’s an illusion presented to us by our beliefs. Wishful thinking on a collective level can become real as Saturn trines Neptune through 2013. Many cultures have – en masse – believed a cultural myth. This can be productive or destructive. But it will be powerful.

Saturn will continue to be in mutual reception with powerful Pluto and even sextile Pluto starting on December 26, 2012, tightening their already tight relationship. And since Saturn and Pluto are slow-moving, this sextile continues through Fall 2013 (and the mutual reception until Saturn enters Sagittarius on December 25, 2014).

There’s more about the Saturn-Neptune-Ceres Grand Trine in the Prez Debate 3 post

More about Saturn in Scorpio on artcharts blog:
Saturn trine Neptune

Here’s the chart for the Sun’s ingress into Scorpio:

sun enters scorpio 2012

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