Winter Solstice is on December 21, 2016
@ 5:44:11 AM
Saturn trines Uranus on December 24, 2016,
and continues through 2017
Sun @ 0 degrees Capricorn
This is the shortest DAY of the year – and the longest night – if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Sun it at its Northernmost declination (angle to the Earth). After Solstice the Sun will seem to hang in the same spot for the 10 days of Christmas – and then slowly start to move South. Soon we will notice the days growing longer.
The Sun is energized, inspired, and ready to DANCE as it aspects Mars in foot loose Pisces. And despite its brief appearance in the sky, this Sun is STRONG. It’s making a sextile to Mars just into Pisces, melting hearts and ice everywhere. Illusions are brightened by the rays of the shining Sun. Express yourself, give that inspired gift, share your creativity & dreams. No matter what you usually think of your visionary resourcefulness – or how you think others judge will you – you are likely to have a spike of self-confidence and take the initiative as Winter begins.
There is also positive input from the Capricorn Sun’s ruler Saturn (which i’ve discussed in all the recent posts) as Saturn in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius sextiles Jupiter-in-Libra – EXACT ON CHRISTMAS EVE – and trines Uranus-in-Aries. Good luck, miracles, and happy surprises. For all those with planets and points between 19-21 degrees Aries, Libra, and Sagittarius, this can be a winter of great and unexpected gains and gifts.
What’s happening now – energy is ready to MOVE. And find new structures to move within and around. Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus – coming together harmoniously – show that energy is moving rapidly into new structures. Our collective energy field is evolving rapidly. It is NOT stuck. It may seem unglued and unhinged, but it is not stuck.
While we may all have extended future-vision now, we are probably not going to agree on where we’re going or how we’re going to get there. We can be impractical, overly idealistic, volatile, and too distracted to focus on anything for long enough to figure it out. We can move forward at lightning speed based on a whim or the inspirations of a charismatic personality. Why think when something just feels so right. In our excitement, we can take action without thinking about the next steps.
This is just the beginning. These aspects will continue through most of 2017. Get read for a wild ride….
Chart for Winter Solstice (in NYC):
Click here for an astrology legend to read the symbols.
Chart for Saturn trine Uranus on Christmas Eve (in NYC):
Click here for an astrology legend to read the symbols.
Create a miracle in your life ~ Transformative astrology readings with Lauren
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