Here come the Eclipses – and a GRAND CROSS. First there’s a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse in Libra-Aries. Then the GRAND CROSS becomes exact (April 20/21). Next, there’s a Solar Eclipse in Taurus (April 29). The LUNAR ECLIPSE is the first of 4 consecutive TOTAL Lunar Eclipses that will occur through 2015. This is rare. And an opportunity to see into our subconscious minds.
The Lunar Eclipse Moon is in Libra, opposing the Aries Sun.
Mostly, this Eclipse, paired with the coming Solar Eclipse, is friendly and creative. It is a time we can find more balance, as the Moon is conjunct the North Node. (by definition, the Nodes must be conjunct the Sun and Moon in any Eclipse. The close conjunction of the Moon and the N Node show this is a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse.) And you achieve this balance by owning your driving desires. However, we can’t help but see that Mars (ruler of the Sun in the Eclipse) is quickly activating the Grand Cross. And that’s mostly what i’m going to discuss here. But a few thoughts about the Eclipse and it’s energetic/healing potentials.
Venus and Mars are the planets that rule the Lunar Eclipse. The relationship of these 2 relationships planets in this chart – an approaching quincunx, meaning we have to stretch a bit to relate, like a yoga pose. If you are willing to bend, perhaps uncomfortably, the Eclipse can give relationships an upgrade as you combine confidence with cooperation, passion with love, energy with harmony. If you’re not willing to make a stretch to see another’s point of view, you can create an imbalance between love and sexuality, money and desire, self-love and the need for acceptance.
The GRAND CROSS is a time many of us – worldwide – can or will feel boxed in by fear and anxiety. The Cardinal GRAND CROSS means 4 planets square each other in the Cardinal signs – the initiator signs that start new seasons (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). This Grand Cross is extra strength because the planets are all at 13 degrees of the Cardinal Signs, known as “critical degree” for Cardinal signs. Another critical degree for Cardinal signs is 26 degrees, which is the location of the Moon and Sun at the Lunar Eclipse.
Participating in this dance are – Uranus and Mercury in Aries – square – Jupiter in Cancer – square – Mars in Libra – square – Pluto in Capricorn. Mars is Retrograde and Pluto stations Retrograde with the Eclipse. These are all heavy-duty planets in critical degrees. No wonder tempers worldwide are intense. Between global warming, weather disasters, political unrest, unemployment, financial fears (for many), economic uncertainty, daily scandals, hyper angry comments, health threats, etc., how do we get through a day? Mostly, we put our fears to the side, bury them in our subconscious, and move on. Despite our ability to compensate and get on with our lives, theses fears lurk in the background. And when there are astrological patterns like the Grand Cross activating now (April 2014), they intensify until we become AWARE of them.
We can do more than feel anxious. Fear keeps us spinning our wheels in crisis patterns. We have to stay aware and defensive – just in case. WHY are people trying to attack us? We have to keep looking for potential risks and threats from outside. It can seem natural to focus on potential problems, disagreements, and issues that might cause us stress, while creating more drama, or negative emotional states.
The squares show RESISTANCE. The Cardinal signs and the planets involved, especially Uranus and Mars – indicate CHANGE. The GRAND CROSS shows we are spinning our wheels in perpetual motion. We are experiencing greater RESISTANCE to CHANGE. And our resistance keeps us stuck in the fear mode.
It’s not always easy or intuitive to CHOOSE to change. IN fact, if you hold rigidly to your beliefs, you cannot choose change or anything else. You can only react. Change can feel threatening because it challenges anything stable we have built in our lives and challenges us to grow, learn, use our energy in new ways. Choosing to change requires that you stay in your personal power, that you CHOOSE to be present within yourself, to allow yourself the freedom to be yourSelf. The goal is to choose to change – within yourself – without expecting anyone else to change, in themselves or outwardly. The GRAND CROSS may be a signal that 3rd dimensional consciousness that we have lived in for tens of thousands of years, is no longer functional on this planet.
While we are fearful of change, we also initiate (Cardinal signs) change.
Like the perpetual motion theme of the Grand Cross, resistance keeps your energy continuously working to keep you secure, while also draining your energy resources (Mars and Pluto are Retrograde and square, potentially zapping our power). With so much energy being used to block the flow of change, you can have a harder time letting in positive things like love, success, happiness, rewards – all things you deserve.
What is needed here? An INNER foundation of protection – safety that is not based on stuffing fear into your subconscious. The fear you keep down prevents you from FEELING your emotions, and that keeps you stuck. And prevents you from feeling love and happiness so you can love and value yourself – and others. What better time to move THROUGH limiting beliefs and see the divine in yourself and everyone else than at a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse when the subconscious is revealed.
How can you DO it all? Have a career, enjoy a relationship, gain self-awareness, and participate in family or home life? The Cardinal Grand Cross puts all these elements into conflict. The tendency is to confront these issues – directly – and without thinking. You can let your ego keep you in perpetual motion, finding endless issues and limits, while pretending you have it all together. Or you can try to step outside the box and trust your process, even when it’s uncertain and challenging.
Here’s where your role as a light worker comes in. You are on the leading-edge of thought. You realize that you don’t HAVE TO buy into the fear. And you lead by keeping your vibrations high so you can strengthen your motivation, continue to make a difference, and successfully do what you are here to do.
While we feel compassion for those who are suffering and struggling for survival now, we consciously continue to be light bearers, holding the light as a beacon. It is always your choice to love.
This is the 5th time out of 7 times Uranus and Pluto will square between 2012 and 2015. Get more insights into this historic square
Chart for the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (in NYC):
(Note: this chart is for the exact time of the FULL MOON, not the Greatest Eclipse. The difference is 2 minutes (Greatest Eclipse is @ 3:45 AM EDT). Please refer to NASA’s website for exact astronomical data.)
Click for an astrology legend
The intention of this blog is to nourish your soul. If you’ve received food for thought or been encouraged to experience more love and happiness by reading these posts, your comments and contributions are appreciated. Let’s keep the positive energy flowing. Thank you!
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