Full Moon on May 10, 2017
Moon @ 20 Scorpio 24
Sun @ 20 Taurus 24
@ this Full Moon, we are at peak awe and awareness as we realize…
Thoughts are actions and words pack a punch
and they won’t just ‘go away’
FULL MOON in Scorpio-Taurus
Mercury conjuncts Uranus May 10
Mars squares Neptune May 11
Mars goes OUT OF BOUNDS May 14
North Node enters Leo May 9
North Node conjuncts the Great American Eclipse degree on May 15
North Node conjuncts Donald Trump’s Ascendant (and Mars soon)
Too much? Sure feels that way.
The Full Moon, like the Moon in the sky, makes everything bigger. You can’t miss the Moon when there’s a FULL MOON.
This is the Full Moon in Scorpio-Taurus – when even hidden things come into full light. Whether or not you wanted to know – and you may NOT – there it is.
Scorpio-Taurus it could be financial issues you’ve been avoiding.
Yet, looking at them FULL on can wind up helping you to be more financial secure (Taurus Sun). It could be that someone else is in control of your finances. Or perhaps you have a debt, or just want to understand more about your finances and investments. This is the time to take and share responsibility for your financial picture. What else is blocking your fulfillment and prosperity? This is the time to take a look. The purpose is not to be the one in control, or deny yourself what you enjoy, but to be the master of Your self.
The problem with the Scorpio Moon is that many of us would prefer to keep what’s hidden safely hidden. We don’t want to see because it makes us uncomfortable to look at what’s difficult. And while there’s no judgment for maintaining an undercover, unconscious view, staying there can be dangerous because not paying attention can lead to acting in covert, conniving, treacherous ways. If we really do’t want to see things in the light of the Sun, the shadows can overwhelm us, and the entire planet. Too heavy? That’s the Scorpio Moon.
The old ruler of Scorpio is Mars. While Pluto is the transpersonal ruler of Scorpio, Mars is still the personal ruler of Scorpio. So Mars is very significant in this chart.
In the last post on the New Moon i told you about Mars going OUT OF BOUNDS in mid May. OUT OF BOUNDS planets go beyond the limit set by the Sun in declinations – the distance north or south from the equator. When planets go out of bounds, they become wild cards – their energy is beyond our realm, out of ‘control,’ and anything can happen.
Some of Mars’ fire is cooled down as Mars squares Neptune, making ideals and imagination stronger than physical strength, depleting energy and leaving you feel less interested in accomplishing goals. What you dream is happening may not actually BE happening now. But it is a great time to use your imagination to create artwork that questions and expresses your ideals. However, Mars-sq-Neptune can inflame fantasies, and people can act out what they perceive, even if it has no basis in reality. This can open the viral flood gates to more hostile fake news and imaginative conspiracies.
Also at this FULL MOON, the North Node, symbol of fate, changes signs, moving from Virgo to Leo. And then crosses the Solar ECLIPSE degree of 28 Leo 52 – exact on May 14 and in effect throughout May. This is VERY significant. Any planet or point that crosses an ECLIPSE degree is a danger signal. The North Node points the way forward, and conjunct the Eclipse gives us a preview o the future. Current events – in your life and in the world – are a prequel to this Summer’s TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. The North Node is conjunct the Fixed Star Regulus, which advises us to pay attention to the “king,” which doesn’t mean an actual king, but a strong leader. And since this occurs exactly as Mercury conjuncts Uranus and Mars goes OUT OF BOUNDS, any unexpected, aggressive words and actions need to be watch. Closely.
I also want to point out that the Sun and Moon are at the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint at this Full Moon (the Moon is conjunct Jupiter/Saturn and the Sun opposes Jupiter/Saturn). This shows complying with the law and protocol. The “king” may not be happy with outcomes and believe things should be different, yet will keep this very private, perhaps secretly bending the law to his will, while publicly showing strength as a strong, confident leader with great, expansive influence.
The Sun & Moon at the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint reflects the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE coming this summer. Legal matter that begin now need to be followed closely. They are NOT going away yet.
In many of the recent blog posts I’ve written about Uranus square the US Mercury at this time and continuing through the end of this year. Every time this occurs by transit to the US chart, there is a major INDEPENDENT (this is Uranus!) investigation. And here we go again…
Much more about the Eclipses coming this summer….
Chart for the Full Moon (in NYC):
Click here for an astrology legend to read the symbols.
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