Sun @ 7 Capricorn 05
Moon approaching trine to Saturn (@ 9 Scorpio 15).
Mars @ 1 Aquarius 52 in mutual reception with Uranus-in-Aries AND Saturn-in-Scorpio.
Mars is approaching sextile to Uranus-in-Aries and square to Saturn-in-Scorpio
Sun-Moon opposition (@ 7 Cancer-Capricorn) squares Uranus (@ 4 Aries 42)
Strength in numbers
government choice: the people vs big business
everyone’s choice: leadership or use of powerful without leadership
and let fate take over…
Practical, yet volatile.
Change is abrupt & unexpected, even if planned.
We want to know – without the facts and concepts. We’re just too busy and focused on other things. And that’s the point of the Full Moon. If we use our power base as the engine – without valuing, supporting, or respecting leadership – we can roll over the authority of leaders yet lack vision and guidance. Or, we can acknowledge the vision of our leaders and make uncomfortable stretches that allow us to grow, even if the stretch takes us somewhere unfamiliar at first.
We have free will. We can make the stretch and follow higher leadership. Or – we can have the stretch made for us by “fate.”
The rest of this blog I wrote before the Solstice and is for those who want to take this beyond spectator interest.
Jupiter is the planet that’s been featured in the Solstice chart as the focal point of a YOD – and Jupiter continues to be the focus of a YOD through the end of the year. The Moon joined Jupiter at the head of the YOD on Christmas Day. This YOD remains in effect through January 2013.
Aspects don’t occur alone. On Christmas Day Mars moved into Uranus-ruled Aquarius, while the Sun squared Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries. Mars and Uranus are in mutual reception until Mars enters Pisces. Fireworks!
Solstice and New Year also put the SUN directly into the HOT seat – the long-term Uranus-Pluto square. (see my post on HOT charts: 8 degrees Cardinal)
PATTERN WORTH NOTING – Sun-Pluto square Uranus sextile Jupiter. From Christmas through the end of the year, the Sun joins Pluto and squares Uranus, shining a strong light on the ongoing (2012-2015) Uranus-Pluto square – the aspect responsible for people vs power&government and what has become known as class warfare. Government is confused, to pay for people or to get paid by businesses.
Early on December 29 (just after the Full Moon), the Sun is exactly quincunx Jupiter. This isn’t just any Sun-Jupiter contact – besides joining the Uranus-Pluto square, the Sun is conjunct Pluto, joining the YOD to Jupiter (still extra strength through the end of the year).
Our flow of abundance can get blocked either by not feeling appreciation for our gifts. Or by using our gifts to buy a good image. Either way, we divert our direct connection to gratitude and our abundance flow gets diverted.
At a time we are so concerned about the economy, the Sun-Jupiter quincunx is an aspect of generosity. We long for generosity, but we don’t see the connection to what WE give. What if this dilemma went beyond the old concepts of greed and scarcity – what really holds us back? Many of us are not sure we have anything worthwhile to share. Our finest gifts seem to be unnoticed, unappreciated, so we think they’re simply not good enough. Feeling that we probably don’t deserve appreciation, we start to feel insecure about giving. It will never be right. Jupiter also reminds us that there is always more, and always room for improvement. Yet, that doesn’t have to stop us from feeling the possibility of this very moment.
We block that joy and possibility when our generosity is insincere – when we give too much or use our generosity to buy a good image. But how BIG do we need to be to feel we are good enough? Too much self-inflation can throw off your focus and perspective, and that imbalance can start to become clear at the Sun-Jupiter quincunx.
Sun square Uranus shows the resistance to change from the powers-that-be (Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn). Yet, despite powerful resistance, the Sun is carrying its light towards Pluto. This is a bright light in the early degrees of Capricorn, that can illuminate power bases and ignite action.
Shifts are happening, in the teutonic plates of the Earth, and within the teutonic plates of our consciousness. Since Jupiter and Uranus come very close to repeating their sextile of summer 2012, there can be a renewal ~ something unique, unprecedented, and SO new and different can unite us instantly – with optimism.
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