ArtCharts Daily Astrology

________Monday, August 8 - Sunday, August 14, 2011_________

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This week's clickable calendar

Last week's Daily Manifest: August 1 - 7

Full Moon

Mercury Retrograde: August 2 - 26

Neptune back in Aquarius

The Mars Key: Prelude to August 17 - Comets & planetary alignments

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The SUN is in LEO --
read all about your LEO SUN sign @


Dear Viewers:
For the first time in 15 years, I am taking this week for a personal vision quest. It is long overdue and much needed. My intention is to be back with you next week, better than ever! If you haven't read about current and upcoming major events in August, every word was chosen for your greatest benefit. There's lots of current info here, along with the Full Moon chart and this week's Clickable Calendar. Thanks for visiting!

Full Moon: August 2 - 26

Click for a LEGEND to read the astrology symbols.


Mercury Retrograde NOW: August 2 - 26
It's that time again! One of the 3 times every year that Mercury stations Retrograde for 3 weeks. Naturally, Mercury is affiliated with the number 3. For a complete Mercury Retrograde timetable, visit artcharts Mercury Retrograde page.

Starting July 15, Mercury entered the "Retrograde Shadow," which means Mercury will Retrograde back over these degrees this month, August 2011. =

This Mercury Retrograde station -- at 1 degree Virgo -- sextile sMars, opposes Neptune, and at the time of the Rx station, Mercury was close a trine to Pluto. This creates a Mystic Rectangle (2 sextiles, 2 trines, and an opposition). This patterns shows a way to cut through contradictions and clouds of confusion, symbolized by the (extended) opposition of Mercury and Neptune.

It's noteworthy that when Mercury made its Retrograde station on Aug 2, it stopped short of making a trine to Pluto in Capricorn by just a few degrees. The powerful effects of words, thoughts, speech, ideas are under the spotlight. We are realizing, and re-realizing the vibrational effects of how we think and speak. Scientist have proven that freezing water forms frozen crystals that change according to how they are labeled, spoken to, thought of, or the music they are played. (Dr Emoto, The Hidden Power of Water).

Since Mercury is now traveling backwards, Mercury has moveed out of Virgo and is back in Leo. Mercury, Retrograde and Direct, will oppose Neptune three times and sextile Mars twice. (Neptune: July 29, August 8, September 8; Mars: August 4 and September 29) This is not an easy time to make decisions to move forward -- your intuition may have a message that you may want to consider. However, this prolonged Mercury-Neptune opposition (normally lasting one day or less) gives us a rare opportunity to experientially understand the effects of making judgments based on false expectations. It's not just empty talk, we can "get" it. False judgments, spreading negativity, feeling hurt, resentful, or victimized, all cloud our ability to see situations clearly-- since this is an opposition, we may be seeing our shadow and casting blame on others, and if so, this is a perfect opportunity to take back your power and take personal responsibility for your spiritual and emotional growth, should that be your choice. THis doesn't mean blame yourself, just see it for what it is, be willing to simply look and let it be. What if all the things you thought were so awful were actually just the way they need to be right now? Where can you go from there?

Mercury in Virgo wants to do some housecleaning, starting within and radiating to your home, health, and office. So what do we need to do before we can leap forward and manifest more business and success, the promise of the trine to Pluto?

All Mercury Retrograde stations are about the energetics of how we think and communicate-- to ourselves and then to others. And since Mercury will station Rx while sextile Mars, it can seem natural to passionately speak your mind. Yet we also realize how deeply and profoundly the ideas and words we share effect our Selves, how we transmit that energy frequency to others, and what unfolds... When we tag anyone or anything with negative labels, we are firstly and mostly receiving the vibration of those words and thoughts within ourselves. We are the ones who can benefit from our positive thoughts-- or feel the damaging effects of our negative thoughts. The sextile to Mars underscores the value of intentionally keeping positive, cooperative energy flowing.

This Mercury Rx station gives us an additional month and a half to re-realize and directly EXPERIENCE the benefits of positive thoughts and communication -- first within our selves, and then radiating out to others. Then we can watch how our thought vibrations influence everything that happens in our lives, including our health. Extending positive words and thoughts to others can be extremely helpful for business and friendships. And good working relationships can become increasingly profitable when Mercury finally trines Pluto on September 12. What if we have more power by connecting than by competing?

Mercury Rx suggestions:
Take a 3 week fast from making, or even thinking, snarly comments. At least you can start to catch yourself in the act and gently remind yourself. Judgmental thoughts fill you with negative energy -- and block your ability to discern, a key benefit of Virgo. If you're offering negative energy vibrations to others, according to the Law of Attraction, you will continue to receive more and more... of what you don't want. How to get in the flow? Consciously find something to appreciate, even if it's the contrast of what you don't like. If you can hold a positive thought for just a few seconds, it can start to attract more positive thoughts, and more.... Welcome the flow of well-being!

Mercury Retrograde in Leo also suggests dialoging with our inner Child. A return to the 90s? Already been there, done that! Yet- this is Mercury RETROgrade, a time to return, regress, again, a chance to pick up missing pieces that we need to proceed. And since Mercury Retrograde is mostly in Leo, there may be something our inner Child needs to communicate and release old beliefs. If your childhood was ideal, then your inner Child may simply want to celebrate. And if your childhood left pain or scars, this is an opportunity to listen to your inner Child so you can move beyond limitations to living your greatness!

Virgo is a clotheshorse and Leo loves bright colors. Both Mercury and Venus will be in Leo -- and they will conjunct on August 16. So get those colorful frocks and outfits OUT of the closet and dress UP! You just may find retro and vintage treasures!

Mercury stationing Retrograde in early Virgo can start to bring up many recurring and long-held critical thoughts-- all the critical comments we've heard from friends, colleagues, clients, neighbors, relatives. Unconsciously, we hold on to these thoughts, so we attract more of them. As Mercury returns to Leo, we have an opportunity to let some of that go. You can release bad old feelings by honoring them, simply allowing them; by sending them loving, caring thoughts, you can start the process of re-claiming yourself by shedding old hurts, resentments, that slowly drain your energy and limit your options. Someone did you wrong? What could happen if you looked beyond who's right or wrong and just sent love to the situation? What if it improved, or at the least, you felt relieved of a burden.

And finally, during this slow-down and back-tracking of Mercury from Virgo to Leo and back again, while opposing Neptune, we can catch our shadow in the act of self-sabotage. We can see doubts and critical judgments as they build, ask ourselves whose thoughts these really are (98% of our thoughts are not our own), and consciously (Mercury) choose more positive, CAN do (Leo) thoughts.

During Mercury Retrograde stations, artcharts gives the gift of a Retrograde Station Report with EVERY purchase from our online store ~~ just to say thanks;-)

Neptune returns to Aquarius: connecting to our connection
Neptune retrogrades back into Aquarius on August 5, station Direct on November 9, and be back in Pisces again on February 3, 2012. Then, Neptune will be in Pisces through March 2025.

Neptune is an outerplanet that is about the whole, everyone. This return to Aquarius shows us that before we can become unconditionally compassionate (symbolized by Neptune in its ruling sign, Pisces), we need to go back to Aquarius so we can have the experience that all is truly ONE. Then, in early 2012, we will be collectively ready to allow the empathy of Pisces. Perhaps new technology and social networking will get us ready to accept spiritual unity.

If you're not ready for the watery ocean of Neptune in Pisces, the effects can have you wind up in a muddy haze, confused and mesmerized. The return of Neptune in Aquarius gives us more time to understand the need for spirit in our lives.


The Mars Key: August 17th Comets & Planetary Alignments
CONFIDENTIAL: The following article is for those open to exploring he coming Quantum Shift -- it's not for everyone! Viewer discretion advised.

Mars entrance into Cancer activated a Cardinal Square.

Mars -- planet of HOT energy -- has been at the recent Eclipse points. There were 3 Eclipses in June/July (June 1, June 15, July 1). When planets contact Eclipse points, they are ACTIVATED. So we are experiencing the HEATING energy of Mars as it cruises through these points.

When Mars was at the 2nd of the 3 Eclipse degrees (24Sag23), many of us experienced record-breaking heat waves. We're not done! Mars conjuncts the 3rd (and last) Eclipse degree (9Cancer12) on August 17. At this time (Aug 17), Mars will be approaching a square to Saturn, so that is likely to create dramatic shifts in weather patterns.

As Mars entered Cancer last week, it moved into an approaching square to Uranus (exact Aug 9) and opposition to Pluto (Aug 11). Mars also squared Juno and Ceres (opposing each other on Aries points = action - Juno at 0Libra - Ceres at 0 Aries). Ceres also close to a conjunction with Uranus. Attacking Mother Nature can create crisis and change. And that means nature outside ourselves as well as our inner nature. It is a call to end our ego-centered approach and embrace a heart-centered approach; and that means experiencing the oneness of all, the bond shared by all life on Earth. Those who can move beyond being primarily ego-directed can experience this coming period, of Shift, from August 17, 2011 - December 21, 2012, as an auspicious series of events, a new dawn of compassionate awareness just beginning, a new caring for Self and all of nature.

The Cardinal Mars-Pluto-Uranus t-square (actually a Grand Square including Juno and Ceres, goddess energy) suggests this is the time when those who hold on to the power of their ego are not likely to sail through this coming period. If you feel that you are already going through difficult times, and many of us are on many levels, you are in a rare position to surrender your ego before the Shift starts to manifest (Mars-Saturn square) and becomes more than a concept. This is a Shift out of victimhood, out of the shame/blame game; a time to release old traumas and move into a heart-centered approach based on Self-responsibility (opposing Pluto).

Some may ask why move to a heart-centered approach? What's wrong with being ego-centered, after all it's the way of the world, the way to get what you want in life. Yet, quantum physics is proving we are all connected, we really are all one. An ego-centered approach may no longer be sustainable because it is not fulfilling. If we are always trying to 'get' more, we are usually not satisfied with the results, it's never enough or good enough. We are not giving anything of ourselves, we are not sharing from our hearts. We need to value our contributions, no matter the (seeming) size of our circle of influence. Since we are all connected, our contributions radiate everywhere. When we repress, or don't value our contributions, we are also closing the door to receiving, so we're probably not receiving what we really want either, which gets frustrating and unfulfilling on a soul level. A heart-centered approach recognizes the value of sharing and does not view people whoa re inspired to share as opportunities to take advantage or manipulate. When Mars enters Cancer (Aug 3), it will trine Neptune (Aug 3), making ego surrender part of the flow.

During August, Mars will move from joining the Uranus-Pluto square to making a square to Saturn (Aug 25). This means The Shift will start to manifest.

There are a preponderance of supporting aspects that may make August 17, 2011 a major alignment date.

In the Mayan calendar, August 17 is an important date -- the last day of the 5th night-- considered "the worst night" or night of destruction in the Mayan calendar.

Comets! Comets are messengers from beyond our Solar System; archetypally, they are aliens, visitors from beyond our Solar System bringing new information. Comet Honda will be at its closest point to Earth on August 17. This time also beings a visit from Comet Elenin (link to NASA JPL) that will come close to the Earth (22 million miles) starting later in August. For 3 days starting on September 25, Comet Elenin will pass between the Sun and the Earth, possibly creating the prophesied Three Days of Darkness.

Mars, conjunct the 3rd Eclipse degree, will be part of a Cardinal Grand Square, as Mars squares Uranus and Saturn, and opposes Pluto -- a challenging and active aspect pattern that heats and inflames energy in unpredictable ways.

The Sun will conjunct Mercury Retrograde and Venus, and oppose Comet Elenin, semisquare Mars, while Mars also squares Saturn and opposes Pluto - making this a good time to release left-brain dominance, and let this be a call to Unity. [Comet Elenin visits our Solar System once every 3600 years. It is also known as Ersis, Nibiru, Marduk, and Planet X. It is believed that when this Comet passed between Mars and Jupiter 7200 years ago, it triggered the Great Flood described in the story of Noah's Arc.]

The Heliocentric (from the Sun's perspective) chart shows an exact conjunction of Earth and Mercury -- exactly opposing Venus and the Sun.

Pluto, square Moon-Uranus, opposing Mars, and square Saturn can signal a powerful shift in financial markets as frequencies change.

All together, this chart signals a time when great and powerful energy can be unleashed, with a new dawn approaching. Is this the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of the predicted changes? The frequency is rising, people feel time is accelerating, a new frequency of cooperation is entering our consciousness, a higher frequency reached by sharing; however, the lower, ego-based frequencies may no longer be sustainable. If we truly believe that other people are 'supposed' to do whatever we think they 'should,' and judge them however we please if we think they don't, we are going to have a big challenge as the vibrations start to quicken because this is a clue that you are not standing in your full, divine power.

And of course, you can dismiss this as mere mythic nonsense, delusion, fantasy, hype. And you may well be right! All perspectives are valid and welcome. No one can accurately predict the future, and anyone who says they can is doing some clever marketing-- as well as dismissing free will. Still, this material is intended for your conscious spiritual growth. It is researched, meditated on, and thoughtfully written for you to read and hopefully get some insights and benefits. Even if 'nothing happens', there is substantial supporting evidence from ancient cultures worldwide, as well as modern scientists; a new paradigm is here. And the mythology we are building around 2012 is well worth our consideration.


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Leo Astrology
the world is waiting just for you!


August Astrology Calendars on artcharts
August Moon Void Calendars on artcharts
August ephemeris
more 2011 Calendars


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This Week's Daily Manifest Astrology Calendar: August 8 - 14

Monday, August 8:: The Moon is in Sagittarius :+: Mercury (re-)enters Leo :+: Mercury opposes Neptune

Read all about your LEO SUN sign @

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Tuesday, August 9:: Mars squares Uranus :+: The Moon in Sagittarius is Void-of-Course from 4:25 pm - 4:38 pm EDT :+: The Moon enters Capricorn at 4:38 pm EDT :+: :+: Gibbous Moon in Capricorn (2 Capricorn 04) @ 8:23 pm EDT

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Wednesday, August 10:: The Moon in Capricorn becomes Void-of-Course at 4:34 pm :+: Mercury semisquare Saturn

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Thursday, August 11:: The Moon in Capricorn is Void-of-Course until 11:48 pm :+: Mars opposes Pluto :+: Mercury semisquare Saturn :+: The Moon enters Aquarius @ 11:48 pm EDT

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Friday, August 12:: The Moon is in Aquarius :+: Sun sesquisquares Uranus :+: Venus sesquisquares Uranus

Read all about your LEO SUN sign @

Saturday, August 13:: The Moon is in Aquarius :+: Sun sesquisquares Pluto :+: Full Moon in Aquarius (20 Aquarius 41) @ 2:59 pm EDT :+: Venus sesquisquares Pluto

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Sunday, August 14:: The Moon in Aquarius is Void-of-Course from 8:26 am EDT - 8:55 am EDT :+: The Moon enters Pisces at 8:55 am EDT

Read all about your LEO SUN sign @

Current major aspects: Mars squares Uranus :+: Mars opposes Pluto :+: :+: Full Moon in Aquarius

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artcharts Daily Manifest Archives:

August 1 - 7
July 25 - 31
July 18 - 24
July 11 - 17
July 4 - 10
June 27 - July 4
June 20 - 26
3 Eclipses June 1, June 15, July 1
Summer Solstice: June 21

Thanks for stopping by today -- make it a great day!

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